Catch Me If Yukon

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The plane tilted a bit here and there as it soared onwards to its next destination. The teams within were jostled about in time with each sudden movement, but at this point they were already used to it. It was a hassle, but not the end of the world.

At least not yet.

Inside of Economy Class, Team Victory and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Hot sat on the benches in a tense silence, everyone wearing expressions of frustration or defeat. Twice in a row they were denied First Class, with Team Amazon already showing their domination.

All except Izzy. She seemed distracted as she looked out one of the small windows, watching small wisps pass by as they flew over a blanket of fluffy water bags. It had a sort of beauty to it that Izzy was somewhat entranced by. Even if it paled in comparison to what she saw elsewhere.

The Psycho Hose Beast kept her eyes glued outside, although she did start paying a little bit of attention when idle chatter started up around her.

"So where do you think we're heading next, little buddy?"  Owen asked innocently.

Noah hummed in thought. "Based on the direction we took off... I'd say somewhere in Canada's frozen north."

"And how confident are you with that?" Eva asked gruffly.

Izzy angled her head ever so slightly so she could catch Noah shrug. "I have zero confidence when it comes to predicting Chris. He kept this stuff so tight lipped when I was his assistant that aside from the knowledge of a new season, I got nothing."

"Well, that's reassuring."

Owen gazed out the window, then back to his friends. "Well, I'm excited. We all got home field advantage, and unless someone here lives up here, we're all on equal ground!"

"That's... actually pretty insightful, lunchbox", Noah said in an impressed tone.

"I just want us all to play fair..." He tapped his fingers nervously together. "After what I did in Action, I want to prove I'm not a liar."

Eva snorted and Izzy giggled, fully facing the conversation. "You're anything but a liar, lardball", the Fitness buff said bluntly. "You had to do Chris' dirty work because your family was broke, so no one blames you."

"Yeah, you big oaf", The wild child leaned over and pecked her boyfriend on the cheek, aiming him giggle lightly. "You're one of the sweetest guys out there, so never assume otherwise."

"They're right, lunchbox. You're the glue that keeps the four of us together and sane. Or, well, as sane as you can get in Izzy's case."

The Psycho Hose Beast's eye twitched, but she kept her smile plastered on her face. "Darn right, Noah!"

Eva rolled her eyes with a smile, and Owen quietly giggled. But he shuttered when the plane rocked a bit, making him instinctively strap himself into place. "When are we gonna land?"

"Hopefully soon, I need fresh air." Eva stood up and stretched. "I'm going to take a jog, see if that helps pass the time."

"Cool if I join you, Eva?" Tyler asked innocently.

Eva glared at her Ex-Bass teammate, but then nodded. "I'm not going to stop if you trip over your own two feet."

The jock's smile faded, and he gulped nervously. "Gotcha'..." he stood up and followed after the Raging Bull, careful not to step into her bubble. When they vanished, Alejandro faced the rest of his team.

"Well, I must say it's surprising Eva has such a distrust for Tyler", the Spaniard said in slight surprise. "Would any of you care to explain to me why?"

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