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Izzy was still sleeping peacefully as the plane travelled away from the blood-stained Australia and towards wherever they were stopping next. The plane felt like it was a wine bottle with so much pressure built up that even the slightest movement would send the cork shooting out like a bullet. It was really hard, and it was clear that was really affecting Chris.

The host had walked through First Class from and to the cockpit a suspicious amount of times, as if hoping something would be happening. But rather it just made him look like a complete lunatic. The three guys were sitting at a trio of chairs towards the doorway to Economy Class, while Merida sat on the couch, a sleeping Izzy resting her head on the princess' lap.

The Psycho Hose Beast was still asleep, even hours after the previous challenge had ended. Not that Merida was complaining, she knew the wild child needed sleep if she just fainted after the emu race. It was a rough time for both of them.

The princess found her hand subconsciously stroking Izzy's hair gently, and when she realised she looked down. Her heart broke at seeing her girlfriend with those horrible bags under her eyes, which only made her feel worse. But her gaze was soon caught by a chain, and she carefully tucked it out of sight. She knew about the locket, and knew Izzy was very particular to it. So she didn't want anyone to see it and pester her about it.

Merida leaned back, looking absentmindedly up at the ceiling as she let her thoughts mill about in her head. There was a lot going on, and she knew it was gonna peak and explode very soon... And she had an idea that after the next challenge was when it was going to burst.

But she had to stay optimistic. Both for herself, and Izzy's sake.

The princess reached into the medi-kit Chef got her earlier and pulled out a reusable water bottle and took out a quick sip. The movement ended up disturbing the wild child, who let out a quiet moan and rolled over so her face was pointing straight up. Merida was quiet as Izzy opened her eyes, and as soon as they locked eyes, the Psycho Hose Beast gained a relieved smile.

"Hey..." She said quietly. "How... How long was I out...?"

"A few hours..." Merida whispered back as she stroked her girlfriend's. "You've been sleeping, and I've been here making sure you're okay."

Izzy's smile fell and her eyes widened. "Really?"

"I would've no matter what, even if the producers didn't call Chris that they wanted that regardless."

Izzy slowly sat, trying to stay wrapped up in the blanket. "Wait, the producers wanted you to stay with me."

Merida glanced at the cockpit, then at the trio of boys, then back at her girlfriend. "Yes. I overheard Chris and Chef talking about how they've noticed you, and they aren't liking what they're seeing. They're worried that you'll..."

"That I'll hurt myself..." The wild child looked down in shame. "I... I honestly get why they'd think that. I'm not... I'm not okay."

"What happened, anyway? Back in Australia?"

"I was... Distracted. So I accidentally fell off a cliff with my emu and jabbed a rock into my arm. I did what I could to heal it... But it wasn't enough. Then, at night, I talked with her and she just... broke me."

The princess looked on in confusion and worry. "Her?"

Izzy turned around and pointed at the window. "Her."

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