...Comes At A Cost

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"And our resident wildchild who was able to convince another poor sap onto this show, Izzy!" Chris announced. The Psycho Hose Beast plastered her iconic manic smile on her face as she exited the bus, skipping over to the others while waving obliviously.

"It's great to be back!" She cheered. Heather, who was one of the first to get off, scoffed, although flinched when Eva shot her a glare.

Izzy giggled as she slid up to her friend. "Still upset about what she pulled during the Awakathon?"

Eva snarled. "Yes. She better watch her back, because if she crosses me again, I'm tossing her out mid-flight."

Izzy let out another giggle, and watched as Chris introduced the rest of the returning cast. It hit a bit of a snag when Ezekiel interrupted the host, and tripped over the last step. Tyler then Bridgette followed shortly after, leaving the three ex-Killer Bass in a heap. Chris rolled his eyes at the antics, and Izzy felt a gross feeling start to form inside her at the sight of the action.

After Chris finally introduced the ignored prairie boy, he moved on to the fresh faces.

"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh", the host explained to the camera. Izzy rolled her eyes, somewhat hidden behind the still restrained Owen. "We're adding three new competitors."

Chris gained a smug look. "He's an honour roll student with a diplomat for a dad, and an amazing ability to charm the pants off most species. Alejandro!" The host gestured to the bus' door, and the Spaniard stepped how with his head high, wearing a pair of shades.

With an overconfident grin, he looked down at the heap. "Perhaps I can assist?" He knelt down and helped the three on the ground back to their feet.

"I-I... I have a boyfriend!" Bridgette stammered out.

"Wow, eh", Ezekiel said.

"I like girls", Tyler defended.

Izzy raised an eyebrow at that, then turned her attention to the new face that she'd be stuck with. She never got a good look at Alejandro during the whole Gemmie debacle, and now that he was here, clear as day, one thought was on her mind...

He wasn't, honestly, that handsome. If anything, Izzy would say Majima or The Doctor looked more handsome, mainly because they wear their scars (mentally and physically) proudly like medals. Alejandro looked like he'd bruise if you looked at him funny.

But another thing Izzy was quick to point out was he clearly had big plans for his time on the show. His eyes gave it all away, with the blatant manipulative glint. Already, he had marked Bridgette and Tyler, making the Psycho Hose Beast wince.

"She's a super addicted superfan, with sixteen Total Drama blogs", Chris continued. "Sierra!"

The purple haired girl from the red carpet burst from the bus door, her eyes wild as she took in the sights. "Oh my gosh I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life-" She started to hyperventilate, that very uncomfortable grin still plastered on her face. "Anyone got a paper bag I can breathe into?" She let out a squeal and dashed over to Cody. "Oh my gosh, Cody! I've dreamt of this moment... only you weren't wearing a shirt."

Izzy cringed as Sierra's frantic fangirling, the way her smile twisting making an uneasy feeling settle in the Psycho Hose Beast's stomach. It didn't help that she looked very physically athletic, her strength obvious to the world. It made Izzy wonder if she could actually best Eva if push came to shove.

But the worst part was, just from her sudden entrance alone, Izzy knew Sierra was one of those fans. The kind that knew everything about everyone, from common public knowledge to the most private of details. It made her skin crawl, even though she knew Sierra didn't know everything about her. Mainly her... other friends, this second family that no one would be able to understand.

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