A Thalassic Classic

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Merida sighed as she looked out the window she was closest to, watching the clouds rush by as the plane broke through some of them. It had been an hour-ish since they left Paris, and as of now she and Izzy hadn't gotten a chance to talk. The Psycho Hose Beast was more closed off, her friends were being weird, and the princess thinks her team is keeping her from talking to an 'enemy'.

She frowned as she focused on the reflection of the window, wondering if that was their intention. While the princess had claimed a window seat, Gwen was next to her and Courtney was across from the goth. It was like they were keeping her from leaving First Class, which aggravated her. Elsewhere, Cody was relaxing by himself, and Sierra was sleeping on the couch.

Heather was... nowhere to be seen. That made the princess somewhat salty, and very much ganged up on. Izzy was in a bad spot, and the last thing she needed was being alone.

The princess was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts and jumped when Heather suddenly stumbled out of a vent above, trying to not follow out. Courtney and Gwen were equally startled, and all three girls watched as the Queen Bee tried to not fall out of the plane's ventilation.

"What the heck are you doing?" The Ex-CIT asked.

There was loud thumping, and Heather poked her head out of the vent opening. "I'm trying to sneak in and spy on Team Chris. Lindsiot and Beth are too gullible for their own good, and I think Alejandro will try to do what Justin did last season."

The three girls in the seats all shared looks. "What does he have to gain with that?" Gwen asked.

"Immunity", Heather explained. "Team Chris is in shambles, and Alejerkdro is outnumbered. So if he's able to rope those two dunderheads into an alliance, he could use them as a shield if his team could lose. And if not, then they'll gang up on us."

Merida half shrugged. "That's a fair worry, but Iz hates Alejandro so much I bet she'd throw challenges if she could."

"Still I'm not risking it." The Queen Bee vanished into the vent again, and thudding could be heard heading towards Economy.

"Who wants to bet she's doing this so she can oogle Alejandro", Gwen whispered with a smirk.

"She's so obviously into him, it makes me sick." Courtney repressed a giggle, then glanced at the princess. "What do you think, Merida?"

The archer levelled her friends with a glare. "I'd give my two pints if you weren't being blatantly biassed."

Both girls shook their heads and gave the princess a shocked look. "Biassed?!" Courtney looked offended. "How are we being biassed?"

"You're letting the she-devil go to mess with the other teams, but I can't support my best friend!" The princess huffed and turned away, glaring out the window.

The other two girls shared a look, seeming in realisation, and looked at their teammate sadly. "We didn't know that's how you felt, Merida", Gwen muttered. "Sorry."

The princess sighed. "I know, I know... It's just a hard time for both of us. She's not doing okay mentally, her team is falling apart, I think Owen is planning to break up with her-"

"WHAT?!" Gwen, Courtney, Cody, and a now awake Sierra cried in shock.

"My Ozzy shippers are going to lose their minds..." The fangirl said in a fearful tone.

"How do you know?" Cody asked in concern, poking his head between Merida and Gwen's chairs.

"It was the look Noah and Eva shared before the last challenge", the princess explained. "Owen and Izzy didn't look like they were... in love, and then they shared a look. Took a while, but then it clicked and now I'm worried."

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