Give Me Liberty

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Izzy breathed a sigh of blissful relief as she relaxed in her chair, kicking her feet up and resting them in the empty seat in front of her. Noah sat next to her, and Eva was in the chair across from him, both with relaxed looks on their faces. Elsewhere in First Class, Owen and Tyler went to town at the buffet while Alejandro idly gazed at his team, sipping his drink at the bar.

"This is so nice..." Izzy sighed out blissfully. "We really need to win more often, this is just what we needed in life..."

"Can't help but agree", The Bookworm whispered out happily.

"If anything, this gives us all the more reason to fight harder", Eva said in determination. "We've been missing out on all of this, and I know when stuff like plush seats and buffet tables are important when it comes to working out."

"Don't over stress or you're done", the three friends said simultaneously. They all shared a look, and while Izzy giggled, the other two smiled.

"But now, we have to mention the elephant in the room", Noah began, his face gaining a serious look. "Team Victory."

"What about them?" The Psycho Hose Beast asked in curiosity.

"Just how they've been losing a lot. No team from the past season had this bad of luck when it came to losing challenges."

"The Gophers did lose three times in a row after Boney Island", Eva said, leaning forward. "Regardless if it was because of some stupid curse or not, Team Victory is tied with them for losses, and lost teammates."

"Even still, that was because Heather's control on the team was slipping." Noah glanced out the window. "I don't know, it just feels too convenient for me."

"Maybe it's because of their name?" Izzy inquired. "I mean, they called themselves Team VICTORY, and had to vote someone off the first challenge when they had a chance to all stick around. I'd call that a bad omen."

"I'm gonna bet they're going to win First Class once", Eva said, holding up a finger. "And that's it. Heck, they probably won't last till the halfway point, I'm being that unfair."

Izzy shrugged and Noah shook his head. "No, you got a good point, E. Maybe it's also that 'animal curse' DJ's been going on about since after Egypt."

"But none of their loses is because of that, really", Izzy mentioned. "They lost in Egypt because Zeke lost their stick, in Japan it was because Chef just disliked Harold's commercial, and they completely forgot about Bridgette in the Yukon." The Psycho Hose Beast looked out the window. "I say it's just because their name made them too confident, and they have Lindsay, Leshawna and Beth together."

"So what you're saying is they're relying too much on their placement in the previous seasons?" Eva asked with a raised brow.

Izzy nodded. "Leshawna got fifth in Island, Lindsay made it past the merge twice till at least the twice, right around the same place, and Beth won last season! So yeah, I'm betting they're just too overconfident."

"I can see that", the Bookworm added. "Especially Leshawna. She's great, don't get me wrong, but she's got an attitude problem and sometimes is too... what's the term..."

"Hot head?" Eva said.

Noah snapped his fingers and pointed. "Bingo, Muscles. Because of that, I'm gonna say she's the next one gone."

"I'll take you up on that, Brainiac", the Fitness Buff said with a smirky grin.

Izzy smiled at her two friends and decided to check out how the rest of the team was doing, so wiggled past and made her way towards her lovable bf and the red-suit jock.

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