Chapter 33: Final Showdown

Start from the beginning

Penalty thirty-two was the only option an accused person could choose for themselves under council laws. It meant forgoing an official trial and instead challenging a champion chosen by the council to a duel to the death. Nobody chose it because the council always selected someone ruthless, ensuring certain death. However, it also meant that the entire council and many notable figures would be present. If they truly wanted to bring down the scoundrels, it had to be in a public setting.

"That is certain death," Sophia exclaimed, her shock seemingly genuine.

Elaine nodded solemnly in response. Sophia turned to her fellow enforcers and issued orders.

"I will safeguard the prisoner myself until the council's appointed time. You," she pointed to another enforcer whom she clearly outranked, "relay the message to the council and inform them that I will await their response here. The rest of you, secure this hospital and increase security outside. Nobody goes in or out without my knowledge."

The enforcers dispersed, each taking up their assigned tasks.

"Imagine that I'm not even here," Sophia said with a smile as she settled onto a couch in the corner of the room.

"I hope you know what you're doing," Elaine's father said, concern etched on his features.

"I do," Elaine reassured him confidently.

They sat and conversed about years' worth of missed moments, relishing the chance to get to know each other at last. Despite the urgency of their situation, they found solace in their shared experiences and odd similarities. However, they were acutely aware that the council wouldn't afford them much time, especially with Roberts' eagerness to capture Elaine. They suspected that Roberts must have Rutherford hidden somewhere, ready to execute his plans.

Meanwhile, Philip's mission was to draw out Rutherford. Rumors suggested that the human hybrids injected with nanobots containing Philip's energy were aligning themselves with Rutherford, seeking to enhance their newfound abilities. However, they seemed to have forgotten the grim reality of their imprisonment and the likelihood of being disposable to Rutherford. Philip had tasked himself with reaching out to Daniel and Sandy to confirm these rumors and ascertain which side they truly stood on.

It wasn't long before the council responded, sending their decree through an enforcer who barged into the room with a folded-up letter, which he handed to Sophia.

"Tomorrow at 5 pm, your opponent is yet to be determined," Sophia announced, her gaze shifting to Elaine. With a silent nod, Sophia dismissed the enforcer, leaving them in a heavy silence. They had expected the council to name Elaine's challenger, and the absence of that detail left them uneasy.

Later that night, Philip and Aaron joined them in the hospital room, and the five of them sat together, poring over the information and strategizing. The reality was sinking in—there was no predicting what would happen next. Philip's attempts to reach Daniel and Sandy had failed, leaving them with a gaping hole in their plan. It seemed as though their carefully crafted strategy was unraveling in more ways than one, but with the looming confrontation, there was no turning back now.


They all arrived at the main courtroom building, including David, who stubbornly ignored their objections. Elaine couldn't help but notice the source of her own stubbornness.

Aaron led them through the imposing building to a set of large double doors at the rear. As the doors swung open, they were greeted by a scene resembling a small stadium, with approximately fifty rows of bleachers stretching out before them. At one end of the room, a raised platform held ten high-backed chairs lined up in a row. It was clear that the councilmen wanted a front-row seat for the upcoming gladiatorial proceedings.

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