I know he loves the baby already and he/she hasn't born as yet.

We decided not to find out the gender until the birth. We wanted to be surprised, but it's been hard— especially when buying clothes and other things for the baby.

Sander says he doesn't care the gender, whether it's a girl or boy, he's gonna love them nontheless.

I wanted a mini me first, but whatever comes is okay with me.

"Are you feeling better?" He suddenly asks.

I shrug, "It's not as bad, but I'm still feeling it." I said truthfully.

Soon after I fell asleep, I don't know when or how but I did.

I woke up early in the morning, around 5:25 a.m with the urge to pee and I unwrapped myself from Sander. I stood up and paused when I felt water escaping and splashing from underneath me and unto the floor.

I blinked, then blinked again.

Did my water just broke?

Oh fucking hell.

"S-Sander?" I called out to him but he kept sleeping. I hit his chest and he grumbles opening his eyes staring at me.

I pointed to my night shorts that I had on that was currently soaked with water.

"Baby, did you pee yourself?" He ask with a frown, "I knew I should've gotten you some pampers as well."

Is this man for real right now?

"No idiot! I did not pee myself." I grunt out.

He sighs, "It's okay my love, you don't have to feel embarrassed."

I closed my eyes in distress, "Sander, my water fucking broke."

His eyes widened as he sat up in the bed quickly looking at my shorts in shock, "As in the baby is gonna come out of your pussy now?"

"No, he's gonna come out of my legs!" I snapped.

"Right." He mumbles before he started panicking. "Oh shit, the baby is coming!" He quickly got up and ran off, only to slip on the floor him from the water and he fell back right on his ass.

God is good.

If I wasn't in pain right now, I would've laugh after him.

"Why me?" He dramatically says on the floor.

"Relax will you? We don't need to go to the hospital yet." I mumbled as I tried making my way around the house.

He stood up and helped me as we were walking around the house, I had to stop and lean over the counter as I was hit with a slow and building pain that shocked me.

Sander immediately took notice while I was doubtful it was the real thing.

I had been having false labor for a few days where contractions would even wake me in the middle of the night, but then die off so I'm a little wary of it.

Walking around the house, it only seemed to increase in frequency. Soon I was contracting for 25-30 seconds about every 10 minutes.

"It's fine." I assured him before he could say anything.

At this point I began to experience something I wasn't prepared for. I had been told by others that you have small breaks between your contractions. My contractions began again to increase in frequency but not length. Every 3 minutes now I would have a 45 sec contraction and it only increased in frequency from there.

I was in tears, from the pain but also from fear of what was to come now.

In all honesty, I'm just putting off going to the hospital in fear of what's gonna happen.

𝘽𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 | (𝙗𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora