
Wuxi falls back on the couch with a whoosh and closes his eyes 'This is all too much, I don't know how to be on my own, how to live alone. Which I guess that will be taken care of soon enough' he rubs his belly.

"It looks like it's just you and me baby, I'm sorry I don't know who your daddy is, and I can't give you a complete family. I will work hard to be both mother and father for you." His stomach grumbles and he smiles. "Guess you're hungry huh? Well, let's go see what we have to eat yeah?"

He walks into the kitchen and looks through the pantry, the fridge and the freezer before settling on a veggie and tofu ready meal with rice. He reads the instructions and pops it in the microwave. The ding tells him it's ready and he sits at the kitchen breakfast bar, pulls the top off and stirs it before trying a bite. It's very good, he smiles thinking about Carmen, the nice woman who helped him shop today. He will have to call her and thank her again for finding him easy-to-cook food that tastes good. He happily eats his dinner and decides to take a shower after and go to bed early. He is wiped out after everything that has happened and wants to sleep.

Fengmian picks him up at ten as promised and they go to the dealership and find a really nice Mercedes SUV that will do nicely for him and the baby. It has a lot of room in the back for carrying the baby's things like a playpen, diaper bag, etc. and the back seat has plenty of room for a baby seat and two passengers if needed.

Fengmian asks him to go to lunch with him after they buy the SUV and Wuxi agrees. They sit down in a private room and after they order Fengmian clears his throat. "AXian, I know you might not see this as a good thing right now but I think it will turn out that way. I know that you and my wife do not mesh well and I think this will be a more peaceful and happier time in your life."

He nods "Yes Uncle, I just wish I knew more about taking care of myself so that I'm not so lost when I'm alone."

Fengmian clears his throat "I know this is usually for young ladies but there are instructors that can come and teach you how to be a proper wife and mother, how to clean and make meals and so on. It is usually for the wealthy to help them transition from their parent's homes to their husband's homes. We sent ALi remember when she had to take those classes last year once a week?"

He bobs his head "Oh yeah I remember that, she would come home and cook all kinds of things, I thought she was taking cooking classes."

Fengmian laughs lightly "No, it's sort of a finishing class to help young ladies transition into young women who can take over a household, as you know she is getting engaged so we sent her to take the classes before she marries. Do you want me to look into sending someone to you once a week?"

He nods "That would be great Uncle, I don't even know how to work most of the stuff in my house. It would be nice to have someone teach me how to use them before the baby comes."

Fengmian grins "Great I'll get on that this afternoon, as for the list of names and numbers I sent to you yesterday, you don't have to contact them all at once. Take your time and I will inform some of them of your status as I speak to them. It's more of a formality than a necessity, just make sure that the one person you call is Xiao Xingchen he is the one who oversees the estate and does all of you and your sister's finances so he will be the one to handle your allowance."

Wuxi nodded and sighed in relief, which took a load off of his mind, with everything that was going on calling a bunch of strangers and telling them that he was now a single teenager who was knocked up and living on his own was not something he was looking forward to.

"I'll call him when we are done here Uncle, thank you for helping me after I got out of the hospital. I was panicked after Auntie left, I thought I would be living in random places or a hotel." He looks at the door when it opens and the waiter walks in with their food. They put all of the plates down and left the room quickly.

Fengmian waits until they close the door before they continue their conversation "I promised your father that if anything happened to him I would take care of you kids. Just as he promised me to take care of mine if anything had happened to me. I won't break that promise AXian, I may not be able to do everything for you but I can give you all of the resources you will need to thrive on your own. Now let's eat before everything gets cold."

They finished their lunch a while later and said goodbye to each other, AXian having already connected his phone to the Bluetooth option on his new SUV used the voice command to call the Obgyn that the hospital doctor recommended and made an appointment for Wednesday. He also calls the college to take a short leave of absence for the week so he doesn't have to worry about his classes and then he calls Xiao Xingchen.

"Xiao Xingchen how can I help you?" a pleasant voice answers.

Wuxi clears his throat "Um hi Mr. Xiao this is Wei Wuxian."

The pleasant voice greets him "Ah Mr. Wei how are you? What can I do for you?"

"I'm alright, I was wondering if we could have a meeting so we can discuss my status and circumstance change. I am no longer living with the Jiang's and there are other things I would rather not discuss over the phone." He says tentatively.

"Yes we can meet this afternoon if you like, I just had a client cancel at the last minute. Can you be here in say..half an hour?" he asks.

"Yes, I can be there then, thank you, Mr. Xiao." He sighs in relief.

They disconnect the call and he makes one more call "Hi Carmen."

Hearing a smile in her voice "Hi Wuxi how are you? I didn't expect to hear from you so soon, did you need help with one of the dishes for lunch?"

He chuckles "No, I just ate with my Uncle, I just wanted to thank you again for your help yesterday, I tried one of those ready meals and it was very good. Please tell me there is a way to thank you properly. Can I take you to lunch one day or a coffee at the least? I feel like I need to do more than just a simple thank you, you helped me so much."

She laughs lightly "Alright Wuxi how about you take me to lunch?"

His eyes light up "Yes, when are you free, we can go anywhere you want."

Still laughing "Let me check my schedule and I'll get back to you, I have a few clients I have to see this week but I will call you and let you know a good day. Are you free this week?"

He grins "I am, I just cleared my schedule from school for the week, I have too much going on right now to concentrate on my studies."

She frowns "There is nothing serious I hope?"

He sighs "Sort of but if it's ok I would rather not talk about it."

She smiles "I understand, don't worry about it, if you need my help you are welcome to ask for it. I like you; you are an interesting young man."

He snickers "Thank you, you are an interesting woman, I'm very glad to have met you."

She chuckles "I feel the same, now let me get back to my client and I will give you a call later with what day we can go eat, hm?"

"Sounds good, talk to you soon." They disconnect the call and he can't help but smile.

'She reminds me so much of my mother, I feel comfortable with her, she is the polar opposite of Auntie.'

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