Chapter 10

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I brought out my big lamp from my bag and switch it on.And placed it on the small table in the center of the sitting room.However,the light brightens across the sitting room.

"We have to survive guys,we have to"I concluded.

"Yes,We have to" Noah encouraged.

"Let's survive!" Liam shouted optimistically.

"But first guys,we need to be vigilant,we never knew what's hunting," Nathan cautioned.

"Yes,but behind every monster,there must be a story right?.I think we should find out.If we want to escape," Jace suggested.
We all agreed with Jace's suggestion and decided to find out anything strange in the dorm tomorrow.

Noah took Jasmine's torchlight and search for the light circuit in the dorm,He must have repaired it because the light went on again as he was away.I was somehow relieved as the light was on,it make my fear more lesser and I became a little comfortable again.

I could see clearly the look of everyone's face,the look of fears,worries,loss,grief and concerns. Camilla kept biting her finger as she was scared, Noah looks gloomy as he was pacing around the dorm sitting room, Jasmine's legs were trembling with fear,Phoebe was sniffling as tears kept rolling down her face,Mirabel lean on to Jace,Liam and Oscar kept mumbling some words to each other, Beverly's eyes were red,Gigi rested her head on her palm,Darcy's eyes were filled with tears and Nathan kept pacing up and down as well.I saw everyone in this state and I know for sure,coming to this dorm was a bad decision.

It was almost 12pm at night, Everyone is sitting down on the couch,we are so afraid to close eyes but we were too sleepy.My eyes were tired and swollen, I can hardly keep them open.Nathan suggested we should all go to sleep,since he was the oldest he paired us to share rooms.Darcy and I,Him and Beverly,Camilla and Jasmine,Phoebe and Gigi,Jace andMirabel ,Liam and oscar, Noah decided not to pair with anybody.

The dorm was also like our hostels in school it was divided into boys and girls' sections but we decided to stay together.After comparing the two sections,the girls' sections seem to have bigger rooms,so we all stayed in the girls' section.We all picked our rooms one by one and went inside separately.The room was clean but it was rather empty.

Jasmine,Phoebe and Camilla did a great job cleaning an old dorm full of dirt. There wasn't any bed or any other things.I guess the only thing that was left in this dorm could be the couches and a giant picture of butterfly on the wall in the sitting room. I carried the big bagto arrange our clothes and few things.

Throughout the time I was arranging our few things on the floor, I noticed Darcy was quiet.I laid a big cloth on the floor in order for us to sleep on.We brought a small bed but it was in the car and we could get it since the door was locked.After laying the big cloth on the floor,I sat beside her on the concrete floor.

"Are you okay?Are you hungry?There are some snacks and fruits in the bag,"I asked with a concern face.But Darcy was still quiet even though I asked her these questions.I sighed,I understand that Darcy was still afraid about what happened earlier.I held her hand to make her worry less.

"It's alright Darcy" I assured her.

"Cassie,someone is dead.For christ sake,someone is dead," Darcy silently cried,It breaks my heart to see Darcy this way. She hardly cries,she is the always one apart from Beverly who comforts me the most if I missed my dad but seeing her this way make me really sad.

I hugged her and patted her back,"I promised,I will protect you"I reassured her again.

I released Darcy  from my embrace and looked at her "Am sorry I brought you here"I apologized sadly.
Immediately,I said that she wiped her tears with her hands.

"No Cassie, I came here on my will…It was choice," Darcy cried more.

It was the next day,I was sleeping and suddenly I heard a female voice screaming.I woke up and ran outside with Darcy.It was Gigi screaming in the kitchen a few rooms to ours,everybody rushed out of their room too.
"What..what are you doing Noah?"Gigi said with a small panicky voice,we met Noah holding a knife pointed at Gigi.I was shocked to see Noah,he was different entirely.He doesn't look human anymore,his eyes were different.They were blackish and he kept making unusual sounds that doesn't sound like humans.

"Noah stop this,this is not a joke!" Oscar shouted as he ran over to Noah and tried to grab the knife from him.Both of them continued to drag the knife between themselves and at that moment we saw blood dripping on the floor.
Oscar fell on the floor lifelessly with blood gushing out of his mouth,he was stabbed by the knife and he was bleeding profusely.I covered my mouth with my trembling hand but my loud scream made its own way out.As I saw Oscar's blood splattered on the floor,I started to feel a dull ache in my chest and my skin was prickled with goosebumps.

In no minute, Noah pulled the knife from Oscar's stomach,then he slitted his own throat and fell on the floor as well.Behold,two dead body was lying on the floor.My heart was racing from time to time and my body shook with fear.My eyes were bulging in disbelief and I could not comprehend with what just happened.Gigi made the loudest scream out of all of us and walked to Oscar's dead body.Gigi sat on the floor in regardless of the blood on the floor and she allowed Osas' head to rest on her laps.

"No,Oscar..You can't do this to me.You can't die Osas!,"Gigi wept as she shook her head in disbelief.

"Oscarplease wake up.Am sorry I didn't accept your love earlier...I didn't tell you how much I loved you,I was so stupid Oscar…My stupid pride,my stupid pride got in the way.Am so sorry Oscar,…
you…osas"Gigi confessed as she mourns.

"Please help him,please…He tried to save me..He saved us all,why are you guys not doing anything!"Gigi lamented as she wept.

We were all grieving too,there is nothing we can do to help.We lost another person again without any help.I was disappointed and filled with sadness as I watched Gigi with Oscar's dead body in her arms,she was all covered with his blood.

During this time,my body couldn't move and my mouth refused to speak.I didn't know how to comfort Gigi, Liam also knelt beside Oscar's dead body as he also mourned his best friend too.Liam kept on yelling as he was fumed with anger.

"Oscar…No.What will I tell your mom?,we lied that we are going for a short trip for some days..Oscar,we told her it just some days,but…but…you are gone forever.Oscar,I stood there and did nothing..I watched you die..ah!"He groans as he was also covered with Oscar's blood too.

"I should have…have.. stopped you when you suggested we should come here," Liam blamed himself.

While Gigi and Liam continued to mourn at that moment,Oscar's and Noah's dead bodies disappeared before our own eyes."What..what just happened?"Gigi stammered as she could not see Oscar anymore.He wasn't on her lap again and Noah wasn't lying on the floor either. My heart missed a beat,I was shocked and at the same time confused.

"Cassie,they vanished.What just happened?" Darcy whispered to me as she stood beside me.
I could not answer Darcy,I was utterly dumbfounded.Did they just disappear like Max too?.What just happened?.Where did they all go?.

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