Chapter 6

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~ 2023 ~

Summer Holiday is the most awaited time of any student's life.It gives them a break from the scorching sun and blazing heat.

Every year, I eagerly await the summer vacations with the hope of doing something worthwhile that liberates me from the monotonous and regular routine of school and studies.

However,It was the last day of school before summer vacation at my school and I was happy I could finally go home to see my Mom and my Grandma whom I missed a lot.

   ~ Waterhills Police Academy~
~ Criminology Departmental Hall ~

"Oh! Oh!"My other Course mates chorused as they grumbled at the vacation assignment being given to them.Clearly my course mates weren't happy as some were frowning,some were sad and some kept on protesting.

"So class the assignment should be submitted the day you resume.Good day," The penology (the study of the punishment of crime and of prison management.) teacher exited the class.

I ticked all the pages he gave us for assignment with pencil on my textbook while still doing this, the forensic(The anatomy of crime)teacher came into the class.

"Class,your assignment," Mrs.Benson immediately wrote all on the Marker board.

"Ahh!!!" Some of my course mates said in unison as well as Darcy and Sophie,While others like me kept quiet or rather had a disturbing look on their face.

Sincerely, the assignment was so many and requires deep thinking but anyways I can't complain since I am the top student in my class.

"You guys thought criminology was just you are under arrest,am sorry it's not," Mrs. Benson teased and left when she was through with the writing.

Not long ago the forensic teacher left,Some students saw Mr. Rodgers, the Crime detection and investigation teacher. He was almost on his way to the class,one of the students in the front seat shouted to alert the students.

"Mr. Rodgers is on his way!"The student shouted.

"Cassidy ,we are dead...let's go," Darcy held my hand and picked my bag and hers.

"Do we have to?"I was unbothered by Mr.Rodger's presence.

"You know Mr.Rodgers,Cassidy," Sophie pulled my second hand.

Hastily almost all students started carrying their bags and packing their books to sneak out of the class.Before they could manage to sneak away.

Mr.Rodgers said into a small megaphone, that he always carried all around with him.And I always wondered why?
It's been three years since I saw him using it and I am sure it's more than three years.He is the most feared teacher in our department.

"If you try to run away,your entry to your next test is canceled!"Mr. Rodgers shouted.

In Waterhills Police Academy,all students must have an entry like a ticket to every test or examination from the particular teacher of the very course.

Quickly the students went back to their seats respectively and also Darcy,Sophie and I went back to our seats. Our school is quite unique,our seat is designated for each person with a specific number. Luckily,My childhood best Friend Darcy and I were my seatmates. Sophie was also my seatmate and I became friends with her but not as much as I was close to Darcy.

Mr.Rodgers entered the classroom,the class was so silent.

"Good day class," Mr. Rodgers spoke into the mic while he stood before the lectern(a tall stand with a sloping top to hold a book or notes, from which someone, typically a preacher or teacher, can read while standing up) and stood on the raised platform.

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