Chapter 4

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Aiden kept on calling Samantha ,shaking her continuously while she was still in his arms.

"Samantha ...Samantha to me please"

He placed his right ear on Samantha 's chest to check if she was still breathing,luckily she was.

"Samantha ..Samantha  can you hear me?"

Then afterwards,Aiden piggybacked Samantha  and climbed down the stairs.He took her down to his room.Madison was in the dorm's sitting room pressing her phone while lying on the sofa,when Aiden ran past her with Samantha  on his back.

"What's wrong?" Madison asked herself.

"Isn't that Samantha ?"Madison asked herself in disbelief,she stood up from where she was sitting intending to meet Tracey and the other girls to report to them about what she saw.

Samantha  was lying motionless and helplessly on the Aiden's bed,her lips were chapped and pale.Aiden wiped the stained dirt on her face with wet and clean towel.After doing so,he switched on the heater to keep Samantha warm.He tucked a white blanket around her to keep her more warm and comfortable.

He placed his ears on Samantha's chest again to hear if she was still breathing well.
He sighed and felt relieved that she was indeed breathing well.

"Samantha ,I know I wasn't here before to be with you but now am going to be with you"

After he whispered those words he stopped for a while and he continued.

"Through all...I will be with you from now on"

He kissed Samantha 's cold left hand.And later held onto both of her hands to keep it warm.

~ Tracey 's room ~
"You mean he carried her on his back?"Tracey asked while Madison responded with a nod.

"But why is Samantha a slut?She is just a flirt,is her life so bad that makes her a prostitute now,"Tracey said.

"She always goes around my man," Tracey stomped her feet angrily.

"But Tracey, " Tracey turned her eyes to Madison.

"Don't you think we have done enough,We should let her be.It wasn't her fault,her mother killed her father not her."Tracey went closer to Madison and slapped her.

Madison was surprised and shocked at the same time as she placed her hand on her cheek.

"Hey!,what's the meaning of that?"Tracey snapped.

"Don't tell me you are getting soft,"Tracey scoffed.

"Tracey are...doing,"Madison stammered.

Tracey slapped Madison for the second time,Madison held onto her cheek with her hand again and couldn't look up to Tracey 's face.Then Tracey placed her two hands on Madison's shoulder.

"She deserves it okay?,in case you forgot" Tracey angrily said.

"So quit saying that crap okay?"Tracey calmly said.Madison nodded twice as fear was shown on her.She had no choice but to listen.

~ Aiden's room ~

It was Sunday morning already,Samantha  slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling and moved her eyes around the room she was in,it wasn't her room she wondered whose room it is.She can't remember everything last night but she definitely did not forget the kiss she had with Aiden.As she was looking she sighted Aiden sleeping on the sofa beside the bed.

"Ahh" She groans as her body aches, then later on called unto Aiden sleeping on the sofa.

"Ai..den"Samantha whispered but Aiden was asleep and couldn't hear.Samantha 's throat was dry and she started coughing
continuously. This made Aiden wake up instantly and went to Samantha on the bed.

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