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When the lights returned, Hyunjin scanned the room, searching for any sign of Yeonjun, but the vampire was nowhere to be found.

"Try to hurt me." Suddenly, Beomgyu appeared before him, taking him by surprise with his unexpected presence.

"You gotta be kidding me." Hyunjin muttered through clenched teeth, turning around only to come face to face with Sohee, who stood there with a smile, waving at him innocently.

"Long time no see. Friend."

"Now, what are you going-" Before Hyunjin could finish his sentence, Beomgyu's strong arms wrapped tightly around him from behind.

Caught off guard, Hyunjin's reflexes kicked in, causing him to inadvertently strike Beomgyu's stomach. Instantly, a sharp, stabbing pain pierced through his head.

It felt like Taehyung's soul was burning within him, his essence searing through Hyunjin's consciousness. But as Beomgyu released his grip and stepped away, the intense agony dissipated, leaving Hyunjin breathless and bewildered as he clutched his head as if trying to contain the ache.

Seeing the vulnerable state of him Beomgyu grabbed him again.

"Go and stab him with Niara." Beomgyu commanded, his voice urgent to Sohee.She nodded, her hand trembling as she withdrew the dagger from her coat. But as she glanced back at Hyunjin, uncertainty flickered in her eyes.

"You can't do it, Sohee. If you used this dagger at me... Hyunjin will die, not me." Hyunjin muttered, hardening his gaze at Sohee, whose breath hitched upon hearing him.

"Don't listen to him, Sohee. He is lying-" Beomgyu gritted his teeth, tightening his grip around Hyunjin, who winced as he turned his head towards Beomgyu.

"I AM NOT LYING! THIS BODY IS HYUNJIN'S, ONLY MY SOUL IS INSIDE! If something happens to this body, my soul will return to my original body, but the vampire Hyunjin will disintegrate." Hyunjin grunted, his voice strained with urgency.

"Do you really want to kill your Hyunjin, Sohee?"

Sohee's eyes flickered with uncertainty as she tightened her grip on Niara, her gaze shifting to Yeonjun who approached them with measured steps.

"Is this true? Will Hyunjin die if I use Niara?" Her voice trembled, the weight of her decision heavy in the air.

"Yes," Yeonjun confirmed, his expression grave as he glanced between Sohee and Hyunjin, who smirked in response.

"Benefits of soul fusion," Hyunjin chuckled, his tone dripping with malice as he spoke.

Sohee stepped closer to Yeonjun, surprising him as she handed Niara over. "Take this to the forest," she whispered, her voice resolute. "Sunghoon will be there with Taehyung's body."

"And leave you here alone?" Yeonjun's concern furrowed his brow, worry etched on his face. "What if something happens-"

"Hyunjin bound Taehyung to a promise. He can't hurt me or Beomgyu in that body," Sohee stated plainly, her eyes meeting Hyunjin's. "Benefits of Soul Fusion."

"So worried for Yeonjun, huh!?" Hyunjin's irritation was palpable as he groaned and shouted before looking at Yeonjun, "Yeonjun, Namjoon brought back Naera, who was dead for years. Want to bring Micha back?" His words were laced with disdain as he glared back at Sohee.

"Don't speak nonsense." Yeonjun's fists clenched, his rage burning in his eyes.

"It's not nonsense. We are soul vampires, and we can bring back the dead-without going against time. Would you like your first love back?" Hyunjin's lips curled in satisfaction as he watched Yeonjun's body tense with anger.

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