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At Get Well Soon hospital, early morning.

Sohee breezed into the hospital, her smile practically radiating sunshine as she greeted everyone in her path with enthusiastic waves. Spotting Yoongi and Chanyeol engaged in conversation near the reception, she couldn't resist darting over to them like a hyperactive squirrel.

"Good morning!!" she exclaimed, causing the two doctors to jolt in surprise, their conversation abruptly halted by her sudden appearance.

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at her. "Well, someone's certainly wide awake this morning."

Sohee chuckled mischievously. "Everyone should be happy, life's too short to be anything but happy, right, Dr. Chanyeol? So be HAPPYYYY!" She stretches her arm in excitement, almost smacking Yoongi standing beside her.
"So what were you talking about?"

Chanyeol shared with a dramatic eye-roll, "There was a vampire attack last night."

"What!?" Sohee exclaimed, nearly choking on her breath. "On whom?"

Chanyeol pulled out his phone and showed Sohee a picture of his sister who had been attacked, along with the unmistakable bite marks.

"Miyeong!? Someone attacked her.." Sohee's lips twisted in disgust as she observed the severity of the bite marks. "It looks like they were completely out of control."

"Yeah," Chanyeol confirmed, "she got lost while searching for the hospital, and someone attacked her. Luckily, a doctor from our hospital happened to be nearby, so he saved her."

"Who saved?" Sohee asked curiously,

"You know him, the second year resi-"

"SENIOR!" Sohee quickly looked at her side seeing Jaehyun running towards her,

"--ident Jaehyun." Chanyeol finished, sniffing disappointment over the fact at how it was interrupted.

"Senior! Are you okay?" Jaehyun threw his arm around Sohee almost stumbling her back,

"Yeah I am okay.." Sohee chuckled seeing how concerned Jaehyun was.

"I was so scared that to protect me something will happen to you." Jaehyun pouted blinking innocently at Sohee,

"I am a tough deal Jaehyun." Sohee took a deep breath proudly as flicked her hair back,

"That's right senior." He chuckled nodding,

"And you saved Miyeong from a vampire attack?" Sohee asked amused,

"I was going back to my dorm, and suddenly heard a loud voice so I rushed there and saw two men there. One only back I saw while the other was drinking her blood, so I used the silver stick you had given to me and threw it over the man who fainted with a loud shout and then rushed to Miyeong. I am an athlete so I ran fast holding her on my back." Jaehyun explained in detail using his hands and expressions clearly,

"Woahh. Two vampires..."

"This bite marks shows whoever bit her was someone who just became a vampire and doesn't know how to feed." Yoongi said,

"Naera is here which means Taehyung is dead. So is she backstabbing again? By making new vampires" Chanyeol shared his concern,

"Not possible." Sohee pursed her lips as shook her head,

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked,

"Taehyung is alive." The sudden declaration drew everyone's attention, causing them to turn towards the source of the voice. Standing there were Beomgyu and Soobin.

"BEOMGYU!" Sohee's scream echoed through the corridor as she rushed towards him, her eyes wide with disbelief and joy. She enveloped him in a tight hug, Beomgyu chuckling as he returned the embrace.

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