ch 29

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Julian had almost fell into yet another sleep when he heard a thud against his window pane. It was loud enough that if he was told a bull was trying to break in, he would believe it without second thoughts.

With caution, he approached the window and yanked the curtains open. The lights were out in his room and he had to look twice to see what it was. An oh-so-familiar figure was perched up on a tree branch by his window. With a gaping mouth, he slid the window pane open.

"Yo! Let me in, I'm freezing my ass out here!" Ivan whisper-yelled and Julian moved over, helping him climb in.

"Ivan, what are you doing here!?" Julian asked as Ivan ruffled his own hair, trying to get the dew drops out.

Ivan shot a glare at what he made out as the silhoutte of Julian. If it wasn't for the shady room, he was determined to burn the other boy down with that glare. "Weren't you the one who was crying over the phone telling me you wanted to see me!?"

Julian let out a groan and ran a hand through his face. "I--ugh, forget it". He turned the lights on and pursed his lips when he saw Ivan's lips curl down into a frown.

"Jules,.. You're hurt" Ivan reached out to touch Julian's face where it was left blue and the other boy flinched. He hadn't realised it until he saw him in light. He felt a pang of rage rise in him and an annoyed his escaped his lips. "Dude, what the hell is wrong with your dad?"

Julian waved a hand in the air, trying to dismiss the matter.

"How did you get your hand hurt?" Ivan's voice held a cautious concern.

"This?" Julian chuckled dryly as he pointed to the flesh below his thumb. "I bit into it"

"You're sick" Ivan clicked his tongue and walked over to Julian's bedside table. "Let me help you treat it" he pulled the drawers open, rummaging through it, hoping to find something that could be of his aid.

"H-hey! Don't go through my stuff" Julian started to take long strides towards the other boy, but stopped in his tracks when Ivan turned around with a glaring gaze. "Sit.down" the command seemed way too intimidating and Julian just did as he was told.

He didn't like to have someone go through his stuff. But he didn't want to be left untreated either. Deep within himself, he knew he craved the warmth he was being offered. He was just playing hard to get.

A few moments passed and Ivan sat down beside the other boy with a few band aids in his hands. He Julian's hand in his and heaved a heavy sigh. "You really suck at keeping a first aid box".

"Well, I don't always necessarily feel the need to treat my wounds"

That wasn't the answer Ivan expected to hear. He wasn't expecting an answer at all. It annoyed him how calm Julian sounded.

Doesn't this boy know his own worth!?

"Say another word and I'll give you more wounds to treat"

Julian let out a chuckle. "Well. As long as you're here..." He mumbled under his breath and Ivan gave him a scowl.

Soon, Ivan was done with his face too and Julian was intrigued at how gentle he was with handling everything.

"You had dinner?" Ivan asked as he wrapped an arm around the other boy's shoulder, pulling him closer. He heaved a heavy sigh and shook his head when Julian just watched him with raised brows. "Dude, I really wanna punch your folks"

He looked ahead and noticed how a framed photo sat on Julian's desk. He saw him with a man much older than himself-- blond and all smiles. He vaguely wondered if that was the man his friend longs to see, he was sure it was him. It had to be him. Julian appeared to be so happy in the picture. His smile reached his eyes. And his eyes had a glittering light in  them.

Ivan clapped his knees and got up, earning a confused look from the other boy. "I'm gonna go and get something edible. Wait for me"

"I--I'm not hungry, Ivan!" Julian protested.

"Well, I am" Ivan said and started walking towards the window. Julian pursed his lips. He knew he was lying.

A hard yank on Ivan's shirt and he plopped down back on the couch. It took him by surprise when Julian hugged him out of nowhere, holding him tight, refusing to let go. "J-Jules..."

"Just stay here with me, will you?" Julian's voice was barely a whisper and Ivan felt a bitter sweet feeling rise up in his chest. He placed a hand on the other boy's back, and rubbed soothing circles on it.

"Yeah.. I guess I could do that"

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