ch 11

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Psst. Psst.

Ivan turned his head with an annoyed face to see Julian smiling up at him.

"What?" Ivan asked, his voice lowered to a whisper.

"Bored. As. Fuck" Julian mouthed.

Ivan pursed his lips and looked up at the math teacher who had now filled half of the green board with weird geometric figures and writings.

Julian followed Ivan's gaze and heaved a heavy sigh. "Doesn't that look like Satan's symbol for you?" He asked lazily, swaying his legs from side to side.

"Dude, that is a pentagon"

Julian looked at Ivan with an expressionless face. The other boy gave him a stare.

As Julian stared into Ivan's face, his face immediately lit up and Ivan vaguely wondered why.

Little did he know...

Julian suddenly jolted his head up and jumped to his feet, earning the attention of the teacher and of course, the entire class room.

Ivan felt a bit weird, with every pair of eyes staring at them.

"Sir, Ivan says he got a really bad head ache. Can I help him to the medical room?"

The math teacher pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and narrowed his gaze to look at Ivan who just sat there, stunned.

"He looks totally fine" The teacher spoke in a grim voice.

"Does he?" Julian turned his gaze towards Ivan and signalled with his eyes to pull some tricks. But Ivan just sat there, looking up at Julian with wide eyes.

Julian pursed his lips. "Let me check, sir" he said and placed a hand over Ivan's forehead, and acting as if he was checking for the boy's temperature, gave him a sharp press on his temple.

Utter pain coursed through Ivan's head and he yelped in pain, clutching his temples.

"Sir, I think it is a recurring head ache. I should take him to the medical room!" Julian said, his voice unnecessarily squeaky.

The teacher was panic-striken by the whole show and immediately let the both of them leave the class.

"What the heck, Jules!?" Ivan whisper-yelled, as soon as they got to the hallways. He was still rubbing his temples, the throbbing pain still lingered.

"Huuh?" Julian raised his brows, as he walked beside Ivan with his arms on the back of his head. "Things woulda been a lot easier for you if you had played along well. Unfortunately for you, you are a bad actor"

"You coulda atleast told me what you were doing!"

"Heh, where's the fun in that?" Julian giggled.

"You really are an arse" Ivan scrunged his nose up. "What are you planning to do, anyway?"

"Race you to the roof!" Julian beamed and took off with a head start.

Before Ivan could even process what was happening, Julian was gone from his sight.

That's cheating ....

He heaved a sigh and took a little run towards  the flight of stairs. He knew he would never outrun the other boy now, even if he tried.

He would have already reached the rooftop.

Ivan just casually jogged up the stairs, going as slowly as he could, just so that he could make Julian wait a little while longer and annoy him.

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