ch 26

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Julian has never felt so awkward in his entire life. He sat at the dining table, his gaze never leaving his plate as he felt Ivan's mom watching him from the other end of the table.

"Is the food of your liking?" The question made Julian's head jolt up and he saw Ivan's mom smiling at him. He nodded with a nervous smile. "Yes, ma'am"

Ivan sighed at the formal tone his voice held.

"So, what made you sick last night?"

There it was.

Julian was sure that Ivan's mom knew he was drunk. She had to. She wasn't dumb.

He had thought of a lie to tell here. Hopefully, it's believable.

"I mistook a glass of wine for water. Unfortunately, my alcohol tolerance is so low that I passed out" he smiled nervously and eyed Ivan, who just sat there with an exhausted look on his face.

Ivan's mom made an 'O' with her mouth.

Julian internaly grinned that he actually could come up with something believable. He felt proud of himself. If he could give himself a pat on the shoulder, he would.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Better" Julian smiled.

He noticed how Ivan was quiet throughout the meal. It was just him and Ivan's mom having a conversation-- mostly about how Ivan was like as a kid and some random gossip about people who they had no mutual knowledge about.

"Mom, you must be boring Jules with all your big talk", Ivan finally said, his voice sounding desperate.

"Nah, not really" Julian grinned from his spot and Ivan narrowed his eyes at the boy.

"Hasn't it been a while since you finished your meal? Now, go clear the dishes. It disgusts me to see you"

"Now, now. Leave it there, son. Let me do it for you. Ivan, be good" Ivan's mom scolded him for the greater annoyance of Ivan.

"Ma!? I'm the real son here. Why are you being so nice to him?"

Ivan's mom made an isn't-it-obvious face. "He is such a nice kid. And unlike you, he is more fun to talk with"

"You mean to gossip with"

Ivan's mom waved it off and took the plates into the kitchen.

The boy scowled at Julian, who just grinned from his spot, "Jerk".

He didn't even know why he stomped up into his room with his lips puckered.

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