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"Come onnn!" The whole class whined as Miss Marvins announced her decision.

She had a feeling that not everyone in her class were getting along well. And as a responsible teacher-in-charge, she felt the immediate urge to do something about it.

And indeed, she found a way to work it her way--she decided to change seats. And seat everyone in alphabetical order of their names --both for the convenience of herself and her students.

Ivan felt no difference at all, no matter who he sits with, without the people he is comfortable with, no one would even know he exists.

The teacher showed him his seat and Ivan's face involuntarily made a scowl.

"So we meet again. The Earth is indeed round" Julian said, moving over for him to sit.

"Excuse me, but we have been in the same class all along. And the Earth is not actually round"

Julian made a scowl. "Jeez, what a nerd. How am I going spend eight hours of my day sitting next to you?!" He raised his voice a biit, "Miss, I wanna swap!". No one bothered listening to Julian as he was.... Well, the class jester.

Ivan pretended not to hear that. He just sat there with his head propped up on his hands. Occassionally, he turned his gaze to his side to see Julian making weird faces at some guy who was seated a few rows ahead of them.

Apparently, he was Julian's former desk mate and they were both showing some exaggarated expressions for being parted from each other.

Ivan shook his head to himself and decided to gaze out of the window, watching a block of buildings and counting windows.

"What's your last name anyway?" Ivan was shaken out of his day dream when he felt a jolt against his elbow.

He turned his gaze to his side to see Julian watching him with a scowl. "I mean, how weird could it be? I'm Julian Nicoles. What are you? Ivan Nidoles? Or Ivan Nigoles?"

Ivan heaved a sigh. It was indeed the weirdest way to ask for someone's name. "Novis" he replied.

Julian nodded with a pout. "Ivan Novis. I'll remember that, bubba"

Ivan made an amused face at the nickname, but Julian just gazed ahead, drumming a rhuthming beat on the desk as he whistled some tune.


Class was just as boring as usual. Having being seated near the window, Ivan had the advantage of gazing out when the teacher wasn't looking.

He was enjoying the view on the outside, but some rustling noise kept disturbing him. He turned his head to see Julian making something out of a piece of paper. The boy looked so fixed on whatever he was doing.

Ivan cocked his head to a side as he watched him work. He knotted together his eyebrows as he tried hard to figure out what he was making.

A triangle on top of a rectangle?

He lightly nudged the side of Julian's arm, causing him to look up, his protest in being interrupted visible in his eyes.

"What are you making?" He whispered.

Julian looked down at his paper, wondering if Ivan really was referring to it. "Paper plane, duh"

Ivan watched further as the other boy made neat folds on the paper.

"What are you planning to do with it?" He asked as curiosity struck him.

Julian stopped working on his paper plane and looked up at Ivan with tired eyes. "What else other than to--"

"You two, on the third to last bench! Stand up!" The teacher's voice rang throughout the class and all eyes turned towards the boys.


Ivan heaved a sigh and lifted himself on his feet with much hesitation. He felt scrutinized under all the staring eyes. As for Julian, he was used to all these little punishments and casually rose to his feet, immediately continuing to deal with his handiwork.

The teacher fixed them with one last glare and continued with her class. Ivan heaved yet another sigh and stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

Julian was soon done making his paper plane and was ready to launch it. "Here goes Miss. Boeing-Boeing!" He said in a low voice and giggled. Before Ivan could stop him, he flew the paper plane onto the very front of the class.

Everyone laughed when a paper plane landed  at the feet of the grumpy Math teacher. She took it into her hand and unfolding it, saw a weird, funny charicature of herself drawn in it. She immediately found the "artist" when she saw Ivan standing there with his eyes wide with Julian standing beside him with his head hung low, looking as if he was struggling to hold in his laughter.

"Both of you! To the principal's room, Now!"

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