The Sorrow

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This OS is for you LucyLucy290
I hope you enjoys it!

Meerab's POV

The harsh light swept into my eyes like a tempest, forcing me to snap them shut as if shielding myself from an impending storm. I attempted to move my arms and legs, but a searing pain erupted from my abdomen, anchoring me to the sterile hospital bed.

"Ah!" The cry escaped my lips, my fingers digging into my stomach. I surveyed my surroundings, disoriented and struggling to piece together the fractured fragments of memory. And then it hit me-the malevolence in Haya's smirk, the treacherous tumble down the stairs.

My hands clenched in horror, mirroring the terror that flooded my mind. Hospital sheets crinkled beneath my fingers, and I realized I lay on a bed-a bed that held secrets, whispered tragedies.

"Are you feeling alright, ma'am?" The nurse burst into the room, her urgency palpable. Her eyes darted between me and the monitoring equipment. I knew the question she dreaded-the one that clawed at my insides, threatening to tear me apart.

"Is my baby okay?" The words emerged, fragile and desperate. The nurse hesitated, her gaze flickering to the monitor, then back to me. "Rest, ma'am," she deflected, evading the truth. But I wouldn't relent. I clutched her hand, desperation fueling my resolve. "Did something happen to my child?" Each syllable cracked, my voice splintering under the weight of fear. The abyss of loss yawned before me, swallowing air, reason, life.

"Ma'am, please," she implored, adjusting the oxygen mask over my face. "Breathe. Inhale, exhale." Her words were a lifeline, a fragile thread connecting me to hope. But the door swung open, and the doctor entered-a harbinger of answers, or perhaps doom.

"Murtasim?" My breaths came in ragged bursts. "Where is Murtasim?" The doctor's gaze held pity, a silent confirmation of my worst fears. "What happened to my child? Why is everyone silent?" I confronted the truth head-on, demanding it from the depths of my anguish. The room hung suspended, time unraveling.

The doctor exchanged a glance with the nurse, their unspoken communication echoing through the sterile air. "We'll summon your husband," the doctor finally replied, evading my plea. "Rest, Meerab. For now, just breathe." But how could I breathe when the world trembled on the precipice of loss?

A minute later, Murtasim walked into the room, his head bowed and his eyes red. I knew that look well-it was a look of sorrow, despair, and defeat.

"Murtasim?" I called out, attempting to sit up, but he immediately pushed me back onto the bed, shaking his head. His eyes pleaded with me to remain still, to avoid any sudden movements. "Where were you?" I asked urgently, my voice trembling. "I was asking for you several times. What happened to me? What happened to our baby?"

He sat down beside me, his touch gentle as his fingers traced the contours of my cheeks. "You've woken up after 24 hours, Meerab." His voice was barely audible, a whisper. "I thought I lost you, yaar."

"24 hours? I was asleep for a whole day?!" I repeated, dumbfounded. His nod confirmed it, and he leaned forward to plant a kiss on my forehead. "You're fine, Meerab," he assured me, but his eyes betrayed the truth. We weren't fine. Not even close.

And then I asked the question that had been haunting me: "Our baby?" I emphasized the word, my hand instinctively resting on my belly where our child had been growing. Murtasim's eyes shut tightly at my words, and he turned his head away. Panic surged within me. What had happened? Why was he avoiding my gaze?

I grasped his jaw, forcing him to look at me. "Look at me, Murtasim." My irritation was clear. He hesitated, and when his eyes met mine, my breath caught. They were red, and a tear escaped, followed by another. His next words shattered my world. "Our child is no more, Meri Jaan." He choked out the words, his voice breaking into a sob. I froze, unable to comprehend. It felt as though the ground had disappeared beneath me.

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