Murtasim Khan shohar hai mera

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Inspired by @wahabastan_ from Instagram

(Scene:- Meerab is living with Farukh Dil's Aunt and Uncle in Karachi after the events of episode 47. Imagine it as the day when they find out Meerab is pregnant and Saba too finds Meerab somehow)

'Murtasim Khan, vo shohar hai na tumhara?' Farukh Dil's sharpened words echoed through the walls of the hall, while Meerab's eyes lowered themselves to the ground, by the weight of the burden on her shoulders. Her head hung low, not because she was ashamed of her reality, but afraid of what will happen now.

Unknown to the people present in that house, a man dressed in brown salwar kameez, with hair dishevelled and eyes sunken, had crossed the gates of the house, and was walking towards the house with two guards behind him with their guns ready in their arms.

'Hai na?' He repeated his question while his Uncle and Aunty looked at each other, realising the gravity of the situation they were involved in. Saba rubbed Meerab's back, giving her the unspoken support she needed.

The mysterious man halted his steps as he reached the entrance of the house. His eyes stared at the people present in the front hall of the house. It will be wrong to say he was staring at all the people present there; his eyes were staring at a single person among that crowd; his eyes were staring at the woman draped in the cappuccino coloured dupatta. His heart was beating so loudly that he could hear his own heartbeats through his ears.

'Haa!' Her voice rose along with her head, Meerab's eyes looked at the audience before her - Farukh, Saba, Aunty and Uncle. With a voice that was unwavering and a sight that looked into the distance, she broke her silence, 'Murtasim Khan shohar hai mera!' Tears of longing, hurt and love fell through her cheeks, to the warmth of her kashmiri shawl.

The stranger that was standing there, felt like the ground under his feet was breaking, that he was either in a dream or he was seeing just a dream, if that makes sense at all. He felt like the ground had shaken. He blinked his eyes to make sure his eyes were not pranking or manipulating him.

'Don't you realize Meerab? You can't hide away from him all your life. He will find you one day. He will also find out that you have been hiding it from him. What will you do then? Who will save you from him that day? Behind whose back will you hide then? And why are you doing all this if you haven't given him a place in your heart? Why can't you accept it Meerab? You are in love wi-' Saba tried to make her understand the truth that she was denying all through her life. But she was interrupted by her friend.

'Hai Mohabbat mujhe use,' Meerab's voice croaked, 'itni mohabbat karti hu main jitni vo mujhse karta hai,' Meerab's eyes searched Saba's, 'shayad usse zyada karti hun main.' The tears that had started to fall from her eyes were not pausing for a moment. Saba's face broke into a proud smile; finally Meerab had confessed her love and feelings.

The man moved his feet a few more steps ahead while his lips moved on its own accord, 'Meerab,' he called out as his own eyes began to fill with tears for two reasons apparently; for the happiness of finding her, for the satisfaction of hearing her confession. Meerab Khan's head tilted towards the familiar melody that had called out her name. She didn't have to look much, he was standing just few meters away from her, staring back at her. Her eyebrows knotted in confusion, not believing that her man was just near her. She blinked her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She then looked at Saba who also had a surprised expression on her face, proving that it was all real. She then looked at Farukh to see his body shaking with fear while both the uncle and aunty had stood up from their chairs. It all proved just one thing.

It was Murtasim Khan. He has found her. His Meerab.

'Murtasim,' she called out, her voice a whisper and her eyes a river. For a moment, her world revolved in happiness; he has found her. A second later, she realized he had found her. She saw that her Murtasim was also crying; maybe he had also missed her like she had missed him. Had he? But, she turned her head to walk inside as she didn't know how to confront him. If he called her once more, she would stop on her tracks and surrender to him, she knew. So, she made her walk steadfast, in an attempt to go and hide inside the house.

'Meerab,' he called out again, this time his voice was much nearer, she turned her head to see he was standing just a feet away. Without uttering a word, he pulled her into his arms in a bone-crushing embrace. 'So you were hiding here? Hmm?' He asked with a cracked voice, while his arms rubbed a sobbing Meerab. Meerab didnt reply to anything; she just relished the moment of reunion with her husband.

'Did you follow me Murtasim?' Saba asked after a moments thought. How else Murtasim would find her location? Murtasim nodded his head at the question raised at him. Saba smiled at them, thanking to the lords they had found each other. Seeing the reunion, even Farukh sighed out a breath of relief. The Aunt and Uncle looked at the couple in love, with pride.

'Can we have some privacy?' Murtasim asked for permission, as he knew it was needed for them. Meerab seperated herself from him and looked at her guardians who had given her a roof to shelter for more than a month. She nodded at them, supporting Murtasim's request.

'Meerab beta will show you the room,' the Aunt spoke, after wiping away Meerab's tears. 'Beta, take care of her,' she patted on Murtasim's shoulders before they both walked into the room that Meerab lead them into.

As the two entered the room and locked the doors, a silence engulfed within the room that was sufficating. Neither Murtasim nor Meerab spoke. It was as if the the tight and long hug they shared a few minutes back was an invisible thread. It was a moment of awkwardness and nervousness.

Murtasim cleared his throat, 'I thought-' he was cut off. Meerab was furious now, remembering the news Saba had shared with her. She suddenly became the old Meerab, forgetting that she was waiting for him to find her and for reuniting with him. She was not going to make him escape with this blunder.

'You thought I ran away with Rohail? Saba told me the fiasco that you created in Hyderabad. After all, I am a characterless woman who will elope with a man soon after she had slept with her husband according to you, isn't it Murtasim?' Meerab laughed at him, her tone was one of sarcasm and Murtasim's breath hitched at her words. He was not expecting this reaction from her. He never expected she would find this out this way. He shook his head in denial and walked towards her, 'that's not what I thought to say to you Meerab.' He tried to explain.

'What more could you think about me Murtasim? You have labelled me as a whore, what more do you have to label me as? Isn't that enough for you?' Meerab's words were stabbing him straight in his heart. His eyes widened at the usage of her words. He shook his head continuously as his eyes teared up.

'No Meerab,' his voice broke. His eyes were overflowing now, 'No Meerab,' he repeated, his hands finding her own. But, Meerab extracted her hands from his, 'Don't touch me. You can't touch me, not after believing your own wife has left you to sleep with another man!' Meerab had broken her resolve by now, she was sobbing loudly.

'You are not a who-, Meerab don't make me say that word. You are not that. You can never be that. It was my fault for thinking like that because I didn't want to blame myself for what happened that night. I , I accused you of this so that my conscience is clear. I m sorry Meerab. But wallahi I didn't mean it that way .  Please forgive me. Please give me a chance to apologize,' he didn't knew she was more broken than him. He thought he was the one who was broken. He didn't knew his words and his actions could cause her such pain and heartbreak.

'When you didn't leave me any chance for reconciliation, how could I ? How could I forgive me for what you spread about me?' She asked, turning her head towards the window. She was a mess, she knew. She thought they will be in good terms the moment she saw him on the threshold of that house few minutes back. She was hopeful that everything was going to be perfect. But now that she has herself put this topic forward, she felt it was no way going on a straight line. Now that she has accused him for his acts, she didn't knew how they will overcome this trail. She simply wanted an answer from him, but her words and emotions had taken over her. She didn't mean to be that harsh to him. Now that it happened, she didn't knew how to make it correct.

'Meerab, I -' he tried to near her.

'No,' she whispered with her hand raised in the air. She was tired, tired of running away and fighting with. She felt like her body was weakening. Before she could think anything else, she heard him say her name and felt his arms pulling her into the safety of his embrace and her legs collapsing.

A/N Did you all just think they will reunite with just hugs and kisses, the romantic way, considering the character of Murtasim Khan and Meerab Khan? 😄

There will be part 2!✌️✌️

Anokha Jodi 2.0 will be updated next week.

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