Chapter 19

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I hope you all are doing well.
I did not proofread it, so there might be mistakes.
Thank you. Happy reading✨

All of them sit quietly around the table. Manik is stunned, and Nandini doesn't know what to say, so she's quiet as always. Her friends, looking at Manik's face, suddenly start laughing their asses off. Manik is taken aback again.

Manik : (relived ) you'll got me there.

Riya : This is nothing Manik. Look forward for more. You never know what might come next better be alert 👀 ( goofy)

Nandini : Abhi enough you guys. How much will you'll pull his legs.

As the lively banter continued, the atmosphere at the table became increasingly animated. Manik, though initially taken aback, found himself adapting to the playful dynamics of Nandini's friends. They start to introduce themselves to him.

Riya: (smirking) Hey Manik, I'm Riya – naam toh suna hi hoga (flips hair) – the mischief maker. Just a friendly warning: if you make Nandini cry, you might find me haunting your dreams. 😉

Manik, maintaining his composure, responded to Riya's teasing with a light-hearted acknowledgment, "Hi Riya, nice to meet you. Will try to keep Nandini as happy as possible. Need to be careful of you, I guess." His tone carried a subtle mix of humor and genuine intention.

Arjun : (enthusiastically) Hey Manik! I'm Arjun, the art nerd who accidentally became Nandini's buddy at an exhibition.

Manik : Hey Arjun nice to meet you too.

Vikram :  Hey Manik, I'm Vikram, the unofficial stand-up comedian of this squad. If laughter is the best medicine, then I'm your daily dose – consider me your laughter prescription!

Manik: (grinning) Well, Vikram, I could use a good laugh. Looking forward to the prescribed doses of laughter and getting to know you all better.

Even though Manik and Nandini were barely talking he wanted to make a good impression in front of her friends. He did not want Nandini to feel bad or embarassed. He wanted to do his best. So he tried to.

On the other hand Nandini was relieved that Manik did not take any of what her friends said to heart. She was also happy that they were getting along well.
She was worried that her friends would say something or manik would say something. But to her surprise everyone looked happy.

They continued chatting and getting to know each other.

They ordered more food since they were going to sit there for some more time.

Manik, was eager to make a connection, so he asked about their professions. Riya, ever the talkative one, diverted the conversation to Manik himself.

Riya: We Definitely know what the Manik Malhotra does. The handsome hunk, big shot got married to my best friend. How did that even happen. Not that my friend is any less.  She's a beauty herself.

Nandini thinks to her self( Riya never shuts her mouth has to say something)

Manik : (unsure how to respond, simply smiled. But did add)
Yes, Nandini is beautiful no doubt with that at all.

Riya, seizing the opportunity, playfully teased Manik about making Nandini blush, creating a light-hearted moment at the table.

Riya : Ooohhhhhooooooo jiju , aap tho Kamal ke nikle. Look Nandini is blushing.

Vikram : Arrey Riya, don't make them blush ya. ( he says teasing both of them).
But manik, your so much rich. Do you by any chance eat with gold plates and cutlery?

Manik did not know what to say again. He was getting more and more surprised with these people.

But, regaining his composure, he decided to play along. "Well, Vikram, eating with gold might be a bit impractical. I'll have to disappoint you on that one."

Nandini : Vikram what are you even asking. ( She was feeling embarrassed but as always not her friends they were ready to ask more.)

Arjun intervens : By the way, we could not come to your wedding nor the reception. So when are you calling us home for dinner.

Manik, appreciating the change of topic, responded casually, "You all can come anytime you're free. Just let us know before you come so that we can prepare food."

Riya : yes yes I'd love that. Going to the Malhotra's house. ( Dreamily)

Manik, getting accustomed to the group's antics, laughed it off. Nandini, observing the banter between her friends and Manik, felt a sense of relief. Despite the playful teasing, everyone seemed genuinely happy.

Manik, sensing an opportunity to get to know Nandini's friends better, decided to ask about their friendship. "So, how did you guys become friends? Arjun, I know you became friends with her at an art exhibition."

Riya, always eager to share, jumped in, "I and Nandini are childhood friends. We've always been together through thick and thin. And now I'm happy that she got married to someone nice, even though it was through force. I'm happy she'll live peacefully now."

As their conversation continued and the time came to settle the bill, the waiter said that – it had already been paid. Confused glances were exchanged until the realization dawned that Manik had taken care of it.

Vikram, ever the jester, couldn't resist a playful comment, "Ohhhoooo paying for our food and all. Trying to win us, huh?" with a sly glance.

Manik, with a nonchalant smile, responded, "Nothing like that. You couldn't make it for the wedding, so consider this our treat. Next time, make sure to drop by our place whenever you guys are free. Dinner's on me." His invitation was extended warmly, bridging the gap between acquaintances and newfound friends.

As they left for their house, Manik and Nandini found themselves alone in the car. Nandini, feeling a sense of responsibility, spoke up, "You didn't have to do that."

Manik, genuinely curious, asked, "Do what?"

Nandini continued, "You didn't have to pay for the food. We could have paid for it ourselves."

Manik, with a reassuring smile, responded, "Nandini, don't worry about it. Think of it as our treat. They couldn't make it to the wedding, so this is the least I could do."

Nandini, appreciating the gesture, expressed her gratitude, "Thank you, Manik, for coming and talking to my friends. And sorry if I wasted your time. I know you probably have work to do, and coming here might not be the most exciting thing for you. But you did come, so thank you for that. It made them really happy." The sincerity in her voice conveyed her genuine appreciation for Manik's efforts to connect with her friends.

Manik responded warmly, "Don't thank me, Nandini. Isn't it my responsibility to come? I am your husband, right? And I genuinely wanted to come and meet your friends. I did have fun. No, you did not waste my time, and spending time with you would never be a waste of time. So, better not think of it that way anymore. Work can always wait." His words conveyed both a sense of duty and a genuine desire to be a part of Nandini's life, putting her at ease with his understanding and affectionate reassurance.

Nandini smiled warmly at him, and they left for their home. Under the gentle glow of the moonlit sky, Nandini and Manik's relationship took a subtle yet significant step forward, strengthened by shared moments, understanding, and the promise of more to come.

Hey guys!!!
Hope you liked it.
I'm sorry if it's written badly.
And thank you for reading my book. 🥺💜

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