Chapter 7

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Manik's mother, Maya, blinked in disbelief as her gaze shifted between the bride she had seen during the pre-wedding rituals, Anjali, and the woman who now stood beside her son, Nandini. Her voice trembled slightly as she addressed Manik, her concern evident.

"Manik, who is this?" she inquired, confusion and worry evident in her voice.

Manik was taken aback by his mother's question but quickly replied, "Ma, this is Nandini," his frustration apparent as he didn't understand the need for her question.

Maya's confusion deepened, and she turned to Nandini, who stood beside Manik, clutching her hand tightly. Her voice quivered as she asked Nandini, "Dear, I thought we had seen Anjali during the pre-wedding rituals. Can you explain what's happening here?"

Nandini's heart raced, and her eyes welled up with tears. She struggled to speak, her words tumbling out in a nervous rush, "I am Nandani, ma'am. I was asked to replace my sister, Anjali, during the wedding."

The room fell into a heavy silence as everyone tried to grasp the situation. Then, Manik's dad, with genuine concern, asked, "Nandani, can you tell us what actually happened?"

Tears streamed down Nandini's face as she explained in detail how her sister had run away just before the wedding for auditions, and how her father had asked her to take her sister's place. She described the difficult choice she had been forced to make, not knowing what lay ahead.

The room buzzed with a mix of emotions. Manik, though composed, couldn't hide his frustration. He tried to convey that Nandini was not to blame, saying, "Nandani had no choice in this. We can't blame her for anything. Her father deceived us, and it's his actions that have put her in this situation."

Manik's father, Vikram, felt anger simmering within him. He spoke sternly, "We must call Mr. Rajesh immediately. This is unacceptable."

Maya, on the other hand, felt both anger and sympathy for Nandini. "This deception is unforgivable. Nandini, we will resolve this together."

As the call to Nandini's father, Mr. Rajesh, was initiated, emotions ran high in the room. Frustration, anger, and concern intermingled, creating a tense atmosphere. The family felt a profound sense of betrayal, both by Nandini's father and the circumstances they found themselves in.

Vikram and Maya exchanged concerned glances, knowing that the path ahead was filled with challenges. The frustration they felt was palpable, but so was their determination to navigate this unexpected turn of events and protect Nandini from any further harm. They understood that resolving this situation would be far from simple, but they were ready to face it together as a family.

Nandini, on her part, was taken aback by the kindness and support she received from Manik and his family, despite the deception of her own family. She observed how they treated her with respect and empathy, which touched her deeply. She realized that she wasn't alone in this situation, and that she had found an unexpected source of support and understanding. It was a new experience for her, and the overwhelming emotions of the situation were mirrored in her tear-filled eyes.

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