chapter 12

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Long update ahead. I hope you guys enjoy reading it. 😊🥰
Happy Diwali 🎇🪔


As Manik and Nandini entered the vibrant venue, the air buzzed with excitement and joy. They strolled together, immersed in the playful banter of the cousins that filled the surroundings. The hall was a spectacle of colors and lights, creating a magical atmosphere that set the tone for the celebration.

Upon reaching the reception, the cheerful chatter of guests and the warmth of family embraced them. The reception hall, adorned with sparkling lights, exuded a festive glow. Finding their designated seats on the stage, Manik and Nandini exchanged shy smiles, still carried away by the playful teasing.

As the evening unfolded, Nandini couldn’t help but feel a twinge of longing for her family, despite the strained relationship.

Observing Nandini lost in contemplation, Manik gently squeezed her hand, offering silent reassurance. Unbeknownst to her, Manik’s friends—Cabir, Priya, and Rohan—made their entrance. Excitement and mischief sparkled in their eyes as they congratulated Manik, teasing him about finally tying the knot.

Manik: (introducing his friends with a smile) “Nandini, meet Cabir, the resident prankster; Priya, the eternal optimist, and Rohan, my trusted secretary and close friend.”

Cabir: (teasingly) “Well, well, Manik! You finally decided to make an honest man out of yourself. How does it feel?”

Manik: (smirking) “Cabir, you talk like I’ve been up to no good all this time.”
Priya: (joining in) “Oh, Manik, don’t be modest. We’ve all seen your mischief.”

Nandini chuckled, realizing she was in for some entertaining revelations about Manik’s past antics. The banter continued as they shared stories, the friendly atmosphere creating an instant connection.

Manik: (playfully) “Watch out, Nandini. These three are experts at pulling each other’s legs. You might get caught in the crossfire.”

Cabir: (raising an eyebrow) “Manik, remember that time in Goa? The party we crashed, and you ended up dancing on the table.”

Manik: (rolling his eyes) “Oh, please. Let’s not revisit that embarrassing episode.”

Priya: (smirking) “And Rohan here is the mastermind behind many of Manik’s grand plans. You’ll be surprised, Nandini.”

Rohan: (smirking) “I’m just the innocent secretary caught up in the chaos.”

As they delved deeper into conversations, Nandini couldn’t help but think of her friends. How she wished they were present here but weren’t. She was longing for them.
Soon the photographer called for a few photographs of the newlyweds.

Amidst the photography session, Manik and Nandini initially stood at a cautious distance, hesitating to breach the invisible boundary between them. The photographer, sensing the need for a more intimate connection, suggested poses that required them to come closer.

Photographer: “Let’s try a pose where you both are standing close, like you’re about to embrace.”

Manik and Nandini exchanged a fleeting, unsure glance before inching closer. However, the distance between them was still evident. It was then that Manik’s mischievous cousins, Ayesha and Radhika, intervened with playful teasing.

Ayesha: (teasingly) “Come on, you two! This is your special day. Get closer; it’s just a photo.”

Radhika: (grinning) “Yeah, don’t be shy. Pretend there’s no one else around.”

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