Chapter 19 - Choices

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Evelyn's POV

"Oh honey, you're burning up..." My mother murmured, with an expression that aged her beautiful face. 

"Jax, thank you sweetie for taking care of her while we were out. Has she been like this all day??" My mother asked Jax. He raised his eyebrows as he answered, crossing his arms. 

"Unfortunately, yes. She threw up twice and she's been in and out of sleep with a headache for the most part. I gave her some medication for the nausea and the headaches, that helped a bit." He answered, smiling sorrily at my parents who now looked weary. 

"Alright, well I'll take it from here. Honey why don't you start up some chicken soup with vegetables for her just in case she's coming down with something." She says to my father, rubbing his arm gently. My dad kisses me on the forehead. 

"Feel better kiddo I'll bring it up when it's ready." He whispers in a comforting manner. He kisses my mom on the cheek lovingly squeezing her arm before heading downstairs. 

"Jax, thanks again. You've done so much for her." She smiles, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No need to thank me. She'll be okay." He says looking at me now, and I can tell he doesn't want to leave. I think my mom can tell as well because she ends up telling him to stay for dinner. She doesn't know what happened with Ashton, but I haven't decided if I should talk to her about that or not.  

My mother sits on the bed next to me and wipes her tears in such an elegant manner I wonder if I look as elegant as she does most of the time. Probably not.

"Maybe it's food poisoning?" I offer, having no idea what's wrong with me. I've had stomach cramps the whole damn day. 

"Maybe?" Jax says, sitting on the other side of my bed. 

The sun had now painted the sky pink and orange hues and the sunsets reflection on the water made me drift to a different place until my bladder pulled me back. 

*Are You feeling better? Please talk to me I'm begging you.* -Ashton. 

I stare at my phone screen and toss my phone to the side ignoring Ashton's message. 

"Ugh, I need to pee," I mutter, they both roll their eyes. But when I sit up, I frown, something's not right. My pajama shorts are drenched, and I feel something dripping down my inner thighs. Jax and my mom look at me with a perplexed expression, frowning at me. 

"Mom?" I say, dread filling my chest.

I put a hand to my inner thigh and bring it up to inspect what the wet substance is. My mom gasps and calls for Jax to grab me a change of clothes and get the car ready. 

"No, no, no, no... This can't be happening. I didn't know." I start crying, fumbling over my words, terribly broken. 

Jax's eyes go wide when he sees the blood, so much fucking blood. Blood is seeping through my white comforter; I pull the covers off and get up as I look down. There's blood everywhere, there's loss everywhere. I start sobbing, clutching my stomach. Jax runs over to me as I begin trembling, my legs betraying me. The only thing keeping me standing is Jax and that's because he's holding me up. 

"Amy she's-it's- It's a lot of blood Amy." He turns to my mother. 

"Jax wait for us downstairs please, take her change of clothes with you to the car. I need to take her to the hospital." She tells him, walking over to me.

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