23. 10 Rules to follow

Start from the beginning

"It's been 13 years Parker. Also, I'll respect you just as much as you respect me. If I feel unrespected I will be disrespectful towards you and your kids." Why is this entire household saying 14 years? They all don't know shit. They need to get educated on their little sister. I could make them a test. This will be one of the questions and they will all fail.

"You're 16 tho?" he questions. How does my father not know how old I am?

"No, I'm not. I'm 15." I answer turning away to stare at the painting hung up on my right.

From the corner of my eye, I see Parker looking through some things in his drawers finally finding whatever he wants and handing it to me. It was my birth certificate. I'm 16. I was born on March 3rd 2007. My mother didn't tell me about my birthday. The right one I mean. She couldn't even remember the year?

I've never really thought fully about my mom. I mean I think about her but only surface level. There's still a lot more I need to dig up from the deep crevices in my brain. So finally after 9 years of not thinking about her or her passing, I let my mind wander onto that dirt road. The one no one has walked on in almost a decade.

I thought of the way she would laugh when I did something funny, the way she sang to me before going to sleep, the way she would crave attention from everyone, but my attention wasn't enough. The way she finally got that attention from Steve. The way she started drinking, getting high with him. And finally, the way should would watch as he hit me, violated me. The way her laugh would no longer laugh with me but at my pain. The pain I feel every day even 10 years later. Her eyes were cold while she let her husband do unspeakable things to her six-year-old daughter.

My eyes turned cold glaring at the birth certificate in front of me. While thoughts ran through my brain, the more I thought about the happy memories I remember so vividly, I realized that most were blocked by a barrier my head has created over the years, making me forget everything bad and remember only the small snippets of it until she turned on me.

She always turned on me.

Why did I have to remember her for her? Why couldn't she just stay in my mind as the perfect person I kept telling myself she was?

It's better to remember someone from the happy memories of the times that you had fun together, that's why I never dwelled on the subject for too long, but now. I have nothing to lose.

"Did your parents not tell you your birthday? How did you celebrate it then?" someone needs to knock some sense into this man. Let me get this straight. I didn't know my birthday and his first question was "How did you celebrate it?" that's his question.

"I didn't" I replied simply, turning my head again to look at the painting for the fourth time. I could see his eyes go wide with shock. Is it that surprising? A birthday is a useless thing anyway. I mean what is it? You give someone a gift saying yeah good job for being alive. It's a weird tradition that people adopted for some reason that probably makes even less sense.

"OK moving on, if you ever have a problem big or small, come to me, if you don't feel comfortable talking to me for any reason please talk to your brothers. Don't ask the maids. Don't share anything personal with them." I'm assuming it's because he might have a leak. I'm also making the assumption that Tana was the one to seep that into his brain.

I nodded, keeping up with the first two rules. They were standard and easy to follow for now.

"Thirdly, if you feel like someone is watching you or anything of the sort happens, make sure to let us know. Our line of work creates a lot of enemies who want all of our companies so they like to kidnap my close family." of course, everyone wants to kidnap me for his company. I fully believe him. I nodded again showing that I was listening. Again this rule was easy to follow, I wouldn't have a problem with them.

"Forth, no dating boys," I grumbled a small complaint, then looked up at him again, nodding my head again but this time a little less enthusiastically.

"Next, don't go downstairs, that's where all of our boring employees work, security on the house all that stuff, I just don't want you to distract them from doing their work." Wow, you're so sweet Parker not wanting to distract your employees from their work. I'm going down there. Maybe leave a message from Tana with new information? That would be fun.

"Keep swearing to a minimum, I understand you swear, most teenagers do, just please keep it down we have a child in the house and one on the way- as you know." That is going to be a struggle. I know why he doesn't want to swearing and it will prepare me for when my baby comes but I swear a fucking lot.

"I'll try Parker, but as you know I swear a fuck ton."He gave me a pointed glare, making me suppress a shiver from going down my spine. "Sorry, the point is I swear a lot." I tried again gaining a look of approval from my legal guardian.

"Next, if you ever leave the house, stick with your brothers. Again it's our rival company that will hurt you and all I want is for you to be safe." I'm not following that one. I have places to be and a reputation to maintain. Tana has never disappeared for more than 2 months and it's already been almost one. She needs to attack someone.

Going off of that, I would like you to, if you ever go out with friends, girls," he exaggerates the girls, making sure I know what he implied, "you need to tell one of us before leaving." that rule is already broken. I didn't tell them I was going to fly out of a window. But alas I gave him a small nod accepting the rule.

"Ninth, your curfew is at 12 on weekends and 10:30 on weekdays the same one as your other brothers under 18. If you are not back on time, I will be very worried and will probably call the cops and most likely waste their time." that's reasonable. I can finish my mission on time to not be late to curfew.

"Lastly, This isn't a rule, just an ask, please just give us a chance. I know it's a lot of change and I can see that you don't trust us but please just, give us a shot. We all missed you, we all love you. Even Luca, he missed you the most I think." of course he doesn't want to earn my trust. He was to plead for it.

"I can't just snap my fingers and miraculously trust you. You need to show that my trust won't be taken and smashed against the cold hard wall before I even blink." why did I go into that much detail? My fucking trust issues are shining through right now and I would like to shove them back into a deep hole that I will forever keep boarded up.

"Yes, of course, I'll do everything in my power to earn that trust from you." he seemed genuine. But again, people can deceive. I turned, leaving thinking I was done. That sentence seemed like it would end the conversation, but he didn't stop there, he had to ask on stupid question.

"Why did you jump out of the window?" it caught me off guard. Are they really that stupid? Could they not see the fucking panic in my eyes when 6 strong-ass men knocked my door down and stared at me like they wanted to kill me? Of course, I chose to jump out of a window.

"Look at yourselves. You knocked down my door and looked like you wanted to chew me up and spit me out before I could fight back at all. Yeah, I jumped out of a window." They are fuc-fricking clueless.

With that, I left the room. Heading off to bed as tomorrow is my first day of F-ing school.

Fuck this Im going to swear.

Words 2227

Long ass chapter this time, I was going to split it into two, but I mean where do I split this chapter? It's 2000 words worth of rules.

Also we're at 32983 words in total! Proud of myself for sticking to one story for this long.

I'm trying to add a chapter every 2-3 days but sometimes I can't start a chapter or just don't have time so don't hold me to it.

Do you think she will break the rules if so how many?

Thanks for reading hope you're enjoying it!

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Dominique <3

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