Chapter 15: Ouroboros

Start from the beginning

“For you.”
That bottle of water again touched the back of Ji Yushi’s hand.
Probably because he wasn’t good at expressing concern, Song Qinglan’s tone could not be considered as one that was very patient, “You even went through the drawers.”
He was referring to the last time the mission was restarted, when Ji Yushi went to the park management office to find water. Song Qinglan had looked around for water for some time just now and finally found it in the drawer.

Ji Yushi received the water, “Thank you Cap Song.”
Song Qinglan looked out at the situation outside the window, “Do you have an impression of the car we just ran into?”

Because of the height of the window, the light only shone onto Ji Yushi’s eyes.
His irises turned amber as a result, making people can’t help but wonder how many things the owner of those eyes could remember in his mind.

“Yes.” Ji Yushi said, “It’s the same car we drove into Runjin Building with last time.”

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Song Qinglan remembered that when they drove out of the back alley in the car last time and reached an intersection, a spacecar had suddenly appeared in front of them. The Ji Yushi at that time had shouted “Turn left” and they barely managed to avoid it by crashing into a building.
That location just now happened to be that intersection!
Wait. Song Qinglan suddenly remembered their conversation in the bathroom in Runjin Building.
He had asked Ji Yushi, “If I’m not crazy, I remember you should have escaped with the others in the car.” Ji Yushi’s answer to that was —- “Yes but we were unlucky. Not long after escaping, we were hit and killed by the spacecar we just saw.”

Song Qinglan now understood why Ji Yushi’s reaction was so strange.
Without Ji Yushi needing to speak, he spoke with certainty, “It was also the car you were in when the mission failed the first time too, isn’t it?”

A strange feeling surged in an instant.
Both their hearts sank. A chill slowly seized them from behind.

On the other side of the spacecar, the other teammates were completely unaware of the topic they were discussing. They were still busy arguing over checking on the small car and were about to start quarrelling.

Song Qinglan habitually crossed his arms in front of his chest, “The time and space is fixed once the time anchor point is set. I believe some things are set to happen regardless like plot points in a game and different results would come about according to the choices we make. The first two times we went to the convenience store, so we drove that car but this time we made a difference choice and chose a spacecar……”

“It is as you have said. Some things are set to happen regardless. Since we didn’t take that car, it is possible that other survivors may have taken it instead.” Ji Yushi moved away from the window and leaned against the car wall at an angle where Song Qinglan could no longer see his face clearly, “Didn’t we see the smoke last time from Runjin Building? And the last two times we also ran into that woman who ran out of a building crying for help. They are all living survivors.”

Song Qinglan thought about it for a few seconds. His frown slowly smoothed out, “You are right.”

In any case, nothing could be confirmed right now.
They couldn’t turn back to check on the situation with that small car. The most important thing right now was to find the clues and put an end to this damned mission as soon as possible so that they can return to their timeline.

“If we encounter other survivors, we have to gather information from them.”
When Song Qinglan finished saying that, he was about to walk away but he paused for a moment and stopped.

Ji Yushi’s hands suddenly became empty. Song Qinglan had taken the bottle of water away.
And then, he unscrewed the bottle cap for him.

“We have managed to gain some extra time. We should have much more time this time than last time.”

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