She scoffs and sits down on the bed next to him "Of course not, they would be thrilled to be blessed with a grandchild. Stop blaming yourself gege, none of this is your fault, and there is nothing you can do to change it so stop blaming yourself for it. You have always been way too self-sacrificing and self-blaming. When will you stop doing that to yourself huh? You don't see me, ACheng or hell even ALi doing that do you? Stop taking on the burdens of the things you can't change or control because how are those things your burden to bear?"

He huffs out a laugh "I know you are right meimei, thank you, I think I just needed to hear that right now with everything that's going on."

She smiles and squeezes his hand affectionately "Hmph do you really think that I wouldn't help you when you are carrying my little niece or nephew in your tummy? What kind of Auntie do you take me for huh?"

He laughs "A great one who will spoil this child rotten if I let you."

She smirks "I will do that whether you let me or not, it's my right as the Auntie!"

The doctor walks into the room and smiles at the twins "How are you feeling Mr. Wei?"

He nods to the doctor "I'm fine but a little shell-shocked to find out I'm pregnant, I'm freaking out a little, not gonna lie."

He nods "I understand, try not to stress yourself over much, I am giving you prescriptions for a few things to help with your pregnancy, vitamins, some anti-nausea meds and so on. They will have instructions on how to take them, I suggest you not get too emotionally agitated, it's not good for you at this stage of pregnancy."

He nods "I will try to do everything you recommend doctor."

He smiles "Good, I also have a recommendation for you to see an Obgyn that specializes in male pregnancy since they are a bit different from female pregnancies."

He smiles tentatively at the doctor "Thank you, I will make an appointment for next week."

The doctor grins "Great, you are free to go just take it easy and rest for the next twenty-four hours to make sure you are not having any complications. Here is a list of things you should avoid." He hands the paper to Wei Wuxian and nods before walking out of the door.

Wuxian looks at his sister "Meimei you don't need to stay, I need to change and then I have to have Jiang Cheng take me to the store so I have some supplies for when I move into the house later today. I will call you when I get settled, we can meet for lunch this week and I will see you at school alright?"

She nods "If you are sure, I can come with you to the house if you want and help you get settled in."

He smiles at her "No, I need to get used to doing things for myself and I know if you are there you will insist on doing everything and not let me do any of it. I only have about eight months to learn to take care of myself so that I can be a good parent to my child and take care of them when they are born."

She hugs him "Alright gege, I will go but I'm coming to check on you and I can help you learn how to do some things around the house. Yanli and I can come over and help you learn to cook and organize and we can bring one or two of the staff to teach you to clean. We will also find you some motherhood classes so you can learn to change diapers, as well as bathe and feed them before the baby is born."

He smiles at her "Thank you meimei I didn't even think about that, I will definitely need you and Shijie to help me learn a lot of things before the baby comes."

She leaves and Jiang Cheng comes in as Wuxian is finishing changing his clothes. "Are you ready to go?"

He nods "Yeah but we need to stop by the store, I will need some things like food and stuff since I don't have a car yet. Hopefully, the staff will pack up everything of mine including my hygiene products so I can take a shower when I get settled. I might grab some travel-size stuff just in case. Auntie is pretty mad so she might not let them pack everything but my personal items." He shrugs quirking his mouth.

One Night Changed Everything (PAUSED)Where stories live. Discover now