He wraps his legs around the other man's waist and moans deep in his throat at the sensation it causes. He whimpers again but this time it is from how good this feels. He tightens his hold on the man above him and pulls him down and kisses him biting and sucking feeding at his mouth as if he were starving. Wangji driven to a deep-seated lust pounds into the man's tight little body and loses himself in the pleasure he has never felt before. This is the most amazing feeling he has ever experienced in his twenty years of life. Being inside this man feels like home, it drives him to incredible heights of desire to continue to trust and keep on trusting until they are both spent with nothing left to give. He does just that taking and giving multiple times throughout the night until he passes out from exhaustion.

Wei Wuxian passed out before the man finished with him, his body hurts and his mind is still not functioning properly when he comes to. He gingerly slides off the bed and with a deep ache in places that shouldn't ache he grabs his clothes and slowly goes into the bathroom. He comes out not long after and stumbles out of the room carefully checking to make sure he is safe to leave the house.

He walks by and steps over naked people everywhere he goes but they are all passed out and none detect his passage as he makes his way to the front door and out to freedom. He looks over his shoulder and staggers out of the house, he looks around and with a tear sliding down his cheek, he leaves the mansion from hell and makes his way to the road where he calls for a car to come get him. He makes his way back to the hotel, gathers up his belongings and leaves for the airport.

He boards his plane and silently cries as the plane takes him home. He can't believe that he trusted Bai Zhi and he can't believe he could do that to him. He slept with a stranger, he gave away his virginity to someone he doesn't even know. He cries harder trying his best to stay quiet and a flight attendant gives him some tissues saying nothing and he gratefully takes them and bows his head to her. Who was the man he was with last night? Wuxian doesn't even really remember what the guy looks like, he was too ashamed to look at him before he left the room. His heart skips a beat, they didn't use protection at all, what if he gets some sort of sexual disease from this? God, what will he do then? How will he explain it to Madam Yu? He closes his eyes and takes out another tissue and cries into the soft folds of the paper.

He doesn't feel like going home and dealing with Madam Yu today of all days so he calls Jiang Cheng "Hey, can I come stay in your dorm for a few days?"

Jiang Cheng's irritated voice answers "Why do you want to come stay with me? Just go home I don't have time to play with you, I'm in college now and I have to study."

Wei Wuxian sighs heavily "Please ACheng, I can't deal with home right now, I need some place to clear my head before I go home."

Hearing the weird sound in his voice he asks "Wei Wuxian what's wrong with you? Your voice sounds strange."

He sniffles "I broke up with Qin Bai Zhi." He cries again thinking of the night before. He can't let anyone know what happened, he will be humiliated.

Jiang Cheng scoffs "It's about time you dumped that loser, fine come over, you can stay for a few days but be quiet I have to study. Lucky for you I only have one roommate this semester instead of two so there is an empty bed. I'll see you in a while I have to get to class in a bit, bye."

Wei Wuxian looks at his phone's blank screen and sighs again, he wipes his cheeks and takes a deep breath. He will just have to pretend like nothing has happened, it was just a normal fight and they ended badly. No one has to know what happened, even Bai Zhi doesn't know anything. He can play it off as being pissed at him for deceiving him and trying to rape him. He squares his shoulders having made a plan of action, walks out of the airport and grabs a car to take him to the college dorms.

He stops at a café close to Jiang Cheng's dorm hall and has a coffee and a scone. He gives himself time to mentally prepare what he is going to say and get his story straight in his mind before he sees his cousin.

He finishes up and walks to his cousin's dorm room and knocks, Jiang Cheng opens the door "Where have you been? I thought you would have been here by now, get in here." He says rolling his eyes.

Wei Wuxian tries to smile at him and fails but walks into the room with his luggage and sits down on the small couch.

Jiang Cheng seeing the state his cousin is in feels a little worried, Wei Wuxian always has a smile on his face no matter what. "So what happened and why did it take you so long to get here?"

Wei Wuxian clears his throat "Oh I was hungry so I stopped at the café a block over and grabbed a coffee and a scone and waited for your class to end before coming over. As for the breakup, I really don't want to talk about it other than to say that I can't trust Bai Zhi and I won't be with someone I can't trust."

Jiang Cheng's face darkens with anger "What did that asshole do to you? I will break his legs if he did anything to you."

Wuxian shakes his head "Let's just say that he is so not the person I thought he was and leave it at that for now alright? We are over and we will never get back together."

Jiang Cheng clenches his teeth together but nods "Fine but if I find out he hurt you in any way he won't walk without therapy, you get me?"

Wuxian smiles sadly "Yes Cheng Cheng I got it."

He sneers "Who you calling Cheng Cheng? Shut up and lay down you look beat. Get some rest I have another class in an hour. My roommate won't be back until tomorrow, a school trip for his class, I will introduce you to him then, I don't have classes tomorrow so we can hang out. Go lay down you look like shit."

Wuxian chuckles and drags himself over to the empty bed and lays down, he pulls the covers over his head, buries himself in them and passes out.

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