"Tell me a little about you" I lean in over the table a little bit, looking into her eyes more. "Any family? Siblings?"

She looked down in her lap. "Umm I have family, and an older brother." She paused for a moment, taking a deep breath and then smiling at me almost robotically. "They disowned me about 4 years ago when I decided I didn't want to marry this guy they picked out for me." She shrugged her shoulders.

"What? You were so young and they were trying to arrange something?" I asked, hoping she would share more.

She nodded with ease. "Yeah. Poor guy though. I could tell he didn't want it either but was trying to please his parents too. I just couldn't do that. I couldn't go off and marry someone I didn't love or know. I knew I wouldn't be happy" she drank some of her coffee. "My dad... well.. let's say he wasn't happy. Neither was my brother. But what was worse was my moms reaction. She just ignored me. Pretended like I wasn't even there while I was begging for her to talk to me... to look at me. I took this contactly for a month before I packed up a bag and ran away. I drove a couple hours into this town I had never heard of and I walked into a flower shop..." she had a lone tear fall down her cheek and my heart ached for her.

"I walked in and saw Mrs. B" she smiled, remembering the first time they met. "I asked her if she was hiring and knew of a hotel and she took me in. I stayed with her for about a month till I found my apartment and i've been working with her ever since. She is sorta like a mom to me"

"Wow I'm so sorry you went through that" I reach out and grab her hand which she accepts and holds it.

"Thanks, but all that led me to this moment so it's a good thing" she smiled and I chuckled.

We chatted about our favorite things around the town and ate our scones while drinking coffee. She was becoming more relaxed and more open with me each moment and I couldn't help but to feel a bit excited.

She looked at the time and frowned, "it's almost time for me to get going to work.."

"Can I pick you up from work? Take you home?" I asked her and she smiled, nodding.

"I would love that. Thank you" she got up from the table and I followed quickly behind, taking her hand in mine.

She squeezed my hand and I helped her into my car, before getting in myself.

The drive was short, just down the road and I parked behind the shop where she told me to, near the door.

"What time are you off?" I look at her, leaning in the middle a bit. I Want to be closer to her.

"Five." She looks back at me. Her eyes were big and doe like.

"Can I have a goodbye kiss?" I ask sweetly and she giggles.

She leans over the center console slightly and I lightly grab her chin with my hand, pulling her closer to me. Leaning in and pressing our lips together. The kiss was soft and light but nothing like I'd ever experienced kissing before. There was something about her that made me see fireworks.

Our lips linger against each other and we slowly pull away as she looks up at me, clearly wanting more.

"I'll see you at five, baby." I watch her get out of the car and walk into her work, knowing she's safely there. As I drove to the funeral home, I smiled the whole way there.

She was perfect for us, I could just feel it. I have never believed in fate or soul mates but she might be changing my mind.

I shared our date details with Atlas and he frowned, "do you think they abused her?"

I sighed, "mentally and emotionally yes.. physically I'm not sure but we need to be delicate with her."

"I wish they were dead. She doesn't deserve a family like that." He grunts.

"We will become her new family." I added and we both nodded.

Five couldn't come quicker and as I pulled into the parking lot, I waited for her to come out.

I waited and waited for almost an hour before I went inside. The doors were locked both front and back, I whipped out my phone and tried to call her. No answer. Panic filled me as I jumped back into my car, racing to her house.

"What's up?" Atlas answers.

"She wasn't at work and she's not answering her phone"

"Relax. I'm sure she is ok"

"I'm going to her place.. call the hospitals and see if she is there."

"Ok. Keep me updated" I blurted before running up the steps to her apartment.

I knocked loudly on the door, "Magnolia? Baby?"

I couldn't hear anything on the other side of the door. Worry flooded me and I called Mrs. Bocanan.

"Hello?" She picked up quickly.

"It's Silas, have you seen Magnolia?" I ask pacing in front of her door.

"She went home early, she was burning up with a fever and looked ill." She answered, worried in her voice.

"She said she was going to head home, she's probably there Sweetie" she tried to calm herself and me down.

"I'm at her apartment and she's not here.. thanks" I hung up the phone and sat at her door.

Maybe she ran to the store.

After an hour, I tried to knock on her door again. Nothing.

A buzz on my phone came through and it was from Atlas.

She's at John Memorial Hospital.


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