A New Life

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I feel pity for this human.

He just ended up in this world with no memory of his past. Should I tell him that a reincarnator like him is a rare case of otherworlders?

No, he's confused enough as he is. Just the fact that so much about him is different from otherworlders–probably the only people who could give him insight on his past world–would probably hurt him more than he already is.

He reincarnated through a dungeon's monster mass-production system, has no memory of his past life, and doesn't ignore the difference of this world to his, but rather nonchalantly accepts it?

None of it has ever happened before. Or at least, I've never heard of any of it happening. Maybe on the other side of this world

...I sincerely wish that it's not what I think it is, but what I hope it to be; for that would only provide a struggle to his new life.

I'm not sure if talking more about this world–about dungeons, towers, and adventurers, made him think less about his situation or not. But maybe he'll think about becoming an adventurer when he gets out of our dungeon.

...He seems at ease in his slumber. Ah, I should give him some Glisten-Fruit juice when he awakens. He did say that he doesn't even remember his name. Maybe I could help him think of one.


Darkness. That was all I saw. I could hear nothing but my voice. Was I floating, falling, or on the ground? I couldn't tell.

But I wasn't scared.

It felt nice with nothing around me. A moment to myself. Away from this new world I found myself in. Away from the dilemma of not knowing my past.

Like this dream, I'll probably forget about not liking the fact of being in a different world. I might get more dreams, or actually I hope I'll get more dreams about my past life, to remember it; but I won't view being in this world a bad thing.

I died, that's all. Or that would've been it, but I'm in a new place now. Sure I'll question how I got here, and maybe I'll get the answer, but that won't stop me from just trying to live. That's what the past me would probably want.

Well I don't know exactly what he would want, I mean I ain't him.

But that's fine. I'm not sure if accepting this is my own decision or a product of me being in this world, but it's a part of me nonetheless so I suppose it's fine.

Guess it's time for me to wake up. I smell something sweet.


"Ah, have you awakened?" asked the creature as I straightened my body. Looks like it was making something using the star-shaped fruits on the trees.

"Yes, I have. Sorry for randomly crying then going immediately to sleep. That was rude of me." I didn't try to use the Communication skill this time. I was talking sincerely. (Probably still affected by the skill, but oh well)

"Oh, it's fine. I sometimes sleep during the night time as well."

"Sometimes? Oh right, how does the ceiling turn black and the fruits turn into stars at night anyway?" I asked.

"Sit down first." The creature handed me a cup of sweet smelling juice that was somewhat glowing. "We can talk over some Glisten-Fruit juice. That's what the star-shaped fruit is called."

"Okay, and why did the Diam Fruit become Glisten Fruit at night?" I asked after taking a sip of juice.

"Certain aspects of mana simply change during night time. Some materials, flora, and fauna can sense the change of these aspects and adapt to fit with the time. The Sky's Mirror Moss changes colours to indicate the current time of day. Many find it useful during caving or in other places where you can't see the sky."

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