First Contact

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After the spell training and what not, I wanted to have a glass of water. I now have the ability to fill a cup in only 2 minutes which is nice.

But here's the thing...

After the cup was filled, I saw my reflection. My left eye was now light green, like the magic circle and wall markings of the time altering room. I'm not particularly bothered by it since it doesn't affect my sight (I gotta admit it looks cool though), but I have been wondering what the eye colour changing thing is all about.

Going to ignore that for now though.

Anyway, I checked back with the journal for the mission 'Learn to fight', and Step 2 has also faded away. It's just a task with no explanation now, like after I finished Step 1 and it showed a different task, 'Experience a fight'. (What happened to those guys anyway?)

Similar to that time, a new task popped up. This one is called 'Contact a monster'.

...excuse me?

I mean those monsters attack on sight! Sure I've recently been feeling kinda bad for them but how am I supposed to talk to them if they're so hosti-oh right, the explanation.

It says that tonight, an unarmed monster was going to be in the underground forest; and that if I go there completely defenceless (No weapons, no armour), then the monster wouldn't react aggressively.

Oh, so we go there to talk to the monsters who try to kill me but not when I need water. Ok, ok, I see how it is, journal.

This is also the first task that mentions when it should be done; which means there might be a deadline, or this task is a one time thing. No, wait, how would the journal even know about one of those monsters' habits? Oh yeah, cause it's the journal.

The task supposedly has to be done tonight, so I quickly reentered the time room to practise my skills and spells. (What? You thought I was gonna practise my communication skills? Well, yes, that's one thing I did)

Knowing that one day in the room is essentially one second outside, I trained a bit more; specifically the speed at which I cast spells and my combative abilities. I did such training in the room for about a week and then realised:

Tonight... Wait, when is that?

I rushed out of the room and checked the journal for anything that could tell me when tonight was, and to my surprise, it was supposedly 10 minutes from now. (There was a timer next to the task)

Knowing that there's only 10 minutes left, I leisurely checked my stats and skills. (That forest is only a 2 minute sprint if I use Air Boost, and the time room turns a day to a second, so...)

My current stats were Strength 6, Defence 6, Agility 5, Stamina 9, Stealth 4, Intelligence 6, and Adaptability 6. Seems that only Stamina and Stealth went up. As for my skills, the ones that had increased were Understanding 5, Observation 4, Dagger Arts 4, Parallel Thinking 5, Analysis 3, Evasion 3, Stabbing 3, Swift Hands 3, Danger Sense 2, Mana Control 8, Mana Sensing 4, and Communication 2. (I did say I practised this... Yes, by talking to myself with Parallel Thinking)

Seeing all of that reminded me that I could be improving at certain things without realising it. It also made me remember the possibility of unexpected skills, like Carefulness, Nonchalance, or perhaps Lethargy (Yes, I'm aware). I grabbed some food along with some Hilup Potions, and with newfound confidence in my abilities, I set out to the underground forest. (Am I forgetting anything?)


As I sprinted towards the forest using Air Boost, the cool breeze reminded me of what I forgot; to wear armour underneath my clothes. (Seriously, why am I so trusting of this stuff??)

The Days I've Spent In A DungeonWhere stories live. Discover now