A Spell

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Good news. One way or another, I could tell where I needed to be by looking at the map. This means that wherever it is I would be able to get water, it's somewhere I've been to before.

It also means that the magic of the journal (The question of whether or not it's actually mine has come up), is more powerful than I once thought it was.

I walked according to the map, avoiding the monsters that I would occasionally encounter. By the way, my wound doesn't hurt anymore thanks to the simple medicine I made with the petals of the Hilup flower.

Note: The only thing differentiating the look of the healing Hilup flower and the poisonous Kuret flower, which both have light green to dark green gradients on their petals, is the colour of their stem. Light green for the Hilup and dark green for the Kuret. Which I thankfully noticed the difference of when picking them or else I'd be dead.

Okay, so that's the good news. I didn't have to expand my map and my wound is better.

Now for the bad news. I'm in a room. A room with architecture far better than anything I could make, be it underground in a cave with limited equipment or above ground with better tools and probably more workers.

There are also markings on the walls that glowed like the ceiling of the cave forest and cave garden, however instead of the usual green tint, these markings glowed light blue.

Anyway, the bad part of the bad news is that I didn't walk into this room. No, I fell into it.

How you may ask? I fell through the floor.

And in case you're wondering, no, the floor didn't open like a trapdoor.

If you're asking how again, I have absolutely no clue but am honestly not surprised.

Now the rest of the.. Uh.. news, is that this wasn't an empty, well-built room. There was a circle with weird markings and shapes fit into it.

And I landed right onto it when I fell into here.

The circle started glowing light blue and something changed in my body, but I couldn't describe the feeling for the life of me. I was able to feel some sort of energy surrounding me after it stopped glowing though.

Aside from that, there is a book. Apparently it's a book of the Beginner Mage Spellbook Series.

I checked the journal to see the contents of the task 'Obtain Water', and it said to read the first book of the mage series. So I did. (Not sure what reading a book has to do with getting water though)

Thankfully it was in the only language I knew, which I'm calling Reme for now since it's one of the few things I'm able to remember. (Might seem lame but I'm not going to put much effort into naming something if I'll learn its actual name in the future)

The book used words like 'spells' and 'spellcasting'. I'm not entirely sure how familiar I was with these words, but I just read the explanations for them.

I'm pretty sure if I read this book a while back I wouldn't be able to understand most of it, but it seems that I can. I'm not sure if my Understanding skill levelled up again or perhaps it has something to do with the circle I fell on, but I checked the skills page just to be sure.

There was a new skill there. Mana Control Level 1. Maybe I got it from the circle? Also Understanding is at level 4 now so that's good and all. Guess it doesn't refer to understanding of the journal.

This does explain why I wasn't confused at what the phrase 'manipulate your mana' in the spellbook meant. (Even though I'm pretty sure the word mana isn't something I remember in my vocabulary)

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