A Renovation

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Eventually, my Mapping skill got to level 4.

To put that into perspective, I did some calculations. Making a one paper map got me to level 1, a map that consists of 9 papers got me to level 3, I can assume that I got to level 2 once I made a 4 paper map. (See where I'm going with this? Yes, I had a map made out of 16 pieces of paper)

By the way, the shape of the map when combining all the sheets of paper doesn't have to be square.

Anyway, I had finally found it. A place full of flowers. Cyan flowers with a white gradient and a dim glow, transparent flowers with black petals and white stems, flowers that change colours from vibrant warm to cold colours along with the change in temperature, and some other slightly more normal flowers, along with even more absurd looking ones.

The air smelt really sweet. The ceiling was emitting light the same way it did in the underground forest.

What was left of my prior common sense started to cease, and I seemed to be coming to terms with the way this cave is. Help

According to the task, I have to gather multiple kinds of flowers. And it seems that this time the journal had illustrations of the needed flowers and also their names, unlike back in the forest.

I collected some of the blue-white gradient flowers, which are apparently called Anam Flowers (They had a soft glow to them), and a few of the transparent flowers, Invi Flowers. I also grabbed some cotton along with the colour changing ones, Argie Flowers. (Their smell seems to change along with their colour)

There were also some other flowers I grabbed but we can talk about those later.

I did a quick journal check and it seems I've now gained the Gathering skill, and it's already at level 2. I suppose I have gotten a lot of stuff now. Observation has also risen to level 2.

Anyways, I made it back to the base and put all the flowers I found on a log I placed upright to be a table.

I flipped to a new page this time as I impulsively grabbed the journal, and yes, I've gotten used to having the urge to open that book and also my body moving on its own sometimes. Again, help

Moving on, the page I opened this time had the word 'crafting recipes'. There were steps for making a furnace, a table, a bed, some clothes, also one for a repair kit, a sewing kit, and some multi step recipes.

There were also a lot that seemed faded and hard to see but from what I could barely tell, it was because I didn't have the items or the tools to make them.

Ignoring that, with the help of the book, I made my base a bit more livable. I made a very simple and small furnace using the stone I've mined. I then used the wood I got, which apparently is fireproof (My common sense was again wavering), to make moulds that I would use to make ingots out of the metals I got.

I also made moulds for some other things like a needle for the sewing kit (I basically just put a small cut in the wood) and a thicker version of the needle to act like nails for building tables, chairs and other wooden furniture.

I then used the mini furnace to make some sturdier bricks using stone and a few Fros flower petals that are a very vibrant teal with snowflake patterns, and according to the journal (Which is more like an arts and crafts book currently), can make things handle heat better if mixed into them.

With these Fros flower stone bricks, I made a better, bigger furnace which I could use for mass production or when the mini furnace can't handle the heat needed to melt something. By the way, both can be used for cooking, but I don't really have anything to cook with yet. (Not too keen on eating roast fruit)

I used a bigger mould to make a sheet of iron, which I then used along with some wood to make a saw and some simple spoons and forks. (The dagger was sharp enough to cut through the sheet)

The saw was then used to cut a few logs I had into planks which I used to make the floor flat and also more comfortable to walk on barefoot (It's still hard as stone though), since the shoes I have might get worn out if I use them too much. I like shoes, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make replacements. I could maybe make sandals though.

I also spun the cotton I got into yarn by hand, (Which took a while) then made a loom, (Which also took a while) to turn the cotton into cloth. (Which took even longer) But it was all worth it, since I now have a bed (Yes I made a bed frame beforehand and then made a simple mattress) and pillows.

This also means I can wear different clothes. (Well, once I make them)

I looked at the current state of my room and was quite satisfied.

Now the only urgent thing left I need to find is a source of water, and a task just popped up called 'obtain water'. I'm starting to think this book can read my mind. (Which wouldn't be surprising)

I then flipped pages to 'skills' and my Understanding skill is now at level 3. Does it specifically refer to my understanding of the Journal of Oneself? I mean so far it's only gone up when I'm thinking about the journal.

Now I do realise that it says 'obtain' rather than 'gather', but it's a synonym so I'm not particularly bothered. Oh yeah I also have the skill Crafting level 1 now.

Note: (I had forgotten about the water in the forest)


-Current Stats and Skills-

Strength 2
Defence 1
Stamina 4
Agility 1
Stealth 1
Intelligence 5
Adaptability 5

Understanding 2
Observation 2
Mapping 4
Gathering 2
Crafting 1

-Current Task-

Obtain Water

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