Chapter 4

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Last night after what happened with Miguel, Johnny brought him home

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Last night after what happened with Miguel, Johnny brought him home. Elena just went to her apartment cause she was tired. She did hear a bit of yelling though.

"So, that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked the boy who got beaten up.

"I guess so." The boy responded, disappointed. With bruises all over his face.

"It's probably for the best. It was starting to boost your confidence."

"Isn't that a good thing?" He asked confused.

"No." Demetri said.

"Yes. Demetri, confidence is not that bad." The girl spoke up.

"What has confidence ever gotten anybody expect for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?" Demetri looked sad saying it remember it actually happened.

"Well, I thought it was kind of cool how you stood up to Kyler." Eli stated.

"Are you insane?" The boy asked. "Let me ask you."

"What is the best superpower anyone could have?"

"Super strength." Miguel and Elena said in sync, giving each other a fist bump.

"Wrong. Invisibility. A distant second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" Kyler asked, making Miguel groan.

"Whom." Brucks corrected him. "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English class."

"We were just leaving." Miguel said when everyone hurried to grab their things and leave the library.

"Hey, where are you going?" Kyler grabbed Eli's face. "Oh, look at this freak."

"Oh, shit." Brucks laughed.

"What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?" Kyler said.

Elena got mad that they treated him like this. "Shut up, Kyler."

"What'd you say." He walked up to her.

"I said, shut up." She said.

"Leave her alone, Kyler." Miguel defended her.

"You haven't had enough, 'Rhea?" He shoved Miguel's head away. "Yeah get the hell out of here, man."

Brucks pushed Eli as he tried to run away, Elena following after him as she didn't notice Kyler grabbed Demetri's backpack.

"Hey, you don't want this shit." He put the backpack over the trash.

"No, come on. Not the trash. I just threw a-" he was about to say something but Kyler threw the backpack in the trash. "-yogurt in there.."

"Now it's double dipped." Kyler and Brucks laughed.

Demetri grabbed the backpack slowly out of the trash to see it completely covered in yogurt.

"Oh that was brute, ky." The both of them laughed it out.

"Dumb shit." They laughed again. "What a bunch of losers."

"Dude, I think he was gonna cry!" Brucks taunted.

The bell rang. "Hey Mig, you need a ride?" Elena asked considering they are neighbors.

"Sure-" a car honked.

"Miggy!" His mom screamed, hoping to get his attention.

"Never mind, maybe another time. Bye!" He walked to the car.

"Adiós!" She yelled after him.

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Around the time Elena got home, she got a text from her parents.

"Sorry, mija. We won't make it for dinner. Are you okay on your own?" It was like this most of the time so she just sent a thumb emoji back.

She decided to call Mat but he didn't pick up.

"Damn, time zones." The girl groaned while going to her room.

She decided to just lay on her bed, maybe watch a movie.

Her phone rang, someone called her. She picked up.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey Elena! Guess what?" Miguel asked, really happy.

"What?" She chuckled.

"My mom let me do karate again!"

"Oh my god, that's amazing Miguel!" She laughed with him.

"When are you going to join? If you still want to, of course." He asked.

"I don't know, I hope soon. I'm sure my parents will let me do it. It's the least they can do for being absent." She mumbled the last bit.

"Okay, great!" He smiled. "Well, I have to go. I'm going to tell sensei the good news."

"Okay, good luck." They said bye to each other and hang up.

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Short chapter but I'm almost done with the next one, so maybe I'll publish it today!

Crazy with a tint of gray || Eli 'hawk' MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now