Chapter 3

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"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter" it was lunch and the counselor has a speech

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"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter" it was lunch and the counselor has a speech. No one seemed to listen though, only the boys at the table Elena's sitting at.

"Sending a cruel message to someone online, can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face." She went on.

"I'm not gonna name names, but-" This is when Elena finally started listening. "-the other day a mother called me up."

The boys' heads shot up, so did the girl's.

"Because her son was crying, after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

"Oh my god, is she really this stupid." The girl mumbled.

"It's the kid right there." She could hear someone say. "It's the kid with the weird lip." Another said.

Everyone was staring at Eli, that made him put his hand over his scar.

"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students." Elena wanted her to stop the speech already.

"You know, if you're sick or getting bullied, my karate dojo's looking for recruits." Miguel spoke up.

"You do karate?" Elena asked, smiling. She just earned a nod. "I'll see if I can join, I love beating up kids, it's actually one of the reasons I moved here."

Demetri just gave a look of disbelief towards them. "Yeah, right. You hear that, Eli?"

The 3 looked towards the boy as he went on.

"A little karate training, and you're gonna kick major ass." He said mimicking some sort of punch.

"I'm serious, Demetri." Miguel said. "My sensei's the real deal. I'm sure I could get you all discounts."

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face."

"Demetri, I'm sure Eli can speak for himself. What do you think Eli?" Elena spoke up.

But before the boy could respond the counselor spoke again.

"Oh, and one last thing. While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of "sexy nurse", maybe try "gender-neutral hospital employee."

"This is so dumb." Elena sank in her seat.

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When Elena walked in trough the fog, she already saw the boys there so she decided to go up to them.

"Hey Elena." Miguel said.

"Hm, black widow. Cool. I love marvel." Demetri said.

"Same, she's badass. I see you kinda went in the marvel direction with your sorcerer costume." She said.

"Oh, please. I'm a necromancer. I'm explaining this way to much." He scoffed.

"Well sorry I'm not a nerd." She sighed. "Skeleton and doctor, nice!"

"Thanks, I love your costume." Miguel replied.

Eli just smiled at her, which she couldn't see 'cause he had a mask covering his mouth.

"Well imma dance, any of you nerds wanna join me?" The girl asked.

"I'm good." Miguel said.

"Same, dancing's not my thing." Demetri agreed.

"What about you Eli?" She asked again, this time just to him.

"Maybe later, have fun." He replied.

"Alright, well you guys are boring but you do you, I guess." She slowly started going to the crowd and started dancing with random people.

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After a while Elena started to get tired.

She got out of the crowd and started to look for her friends.

She saw a poster hanging on the wall saying
With a location and a website.

Elena laughed. "Holy shit, the grumpy neighbor."

She saw the boys and went over them.

"Looks like one of you lost a date." She chuckled.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Eli said.

"Yeah, me too." Demetri went on. "That punch is going right trough me."

They went on their way and Miguel decided to follow them.

"Wow, okay. Just leave me here alone, dude!" The girl who was left alone decided to go back to dance when she got a notification on her phone.

It was a video Yasmine sent, of a girl Elena have never met. She saw the popular girls laugh at her sometime.

There was a pig nose sticker on her and text saying.


Elena laughed but she felt guilty for the girl at the same time.

Everyone started laughing when they saw the video.

The girl just stared at Yasmine and left soon after.

Elena wanted to go after her but she didn't.

She left soon after though, mostly to check up on why the boys are taking so long.

She saw Demetri and Eli running in the hallway.

"Dude, what's happening? Where's Miguel?" She asked, confused.

"Run if you know what's good for you." Demetri responded and the boys just ran out of the school.

She sighed and walked towards the boys bathroom to see Kyler, Brucks and some of their friends walking out, laughing.

"That was brutal baby." Kyler said.

"Ky, you broke 'Rhea off." Brucks went on.

"Yeah, man." Another said.

They didn't notice Elena and just continued laughing.

"That'll teach him." Someone said. "Ky, two, 'Rhea, zero." They laughed again.

"He had it coming." Kyler spoke.

Elena decided to go into the boys bathroom to make sure Miguel is okay.

She found him beat up on the floor.

"Oh shit, you okay Miguel? Let me help you, c'mon." She winced at the state his in.

An older man walked in.

"Grumpy neighbor!" She said, he looked at her weirdly.

"Help me bring him home." She continued.

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Crazy with a tint of gray || Eli 'hawk' MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now