Charlie's Second Guest

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One week before the episode 'overture'...

At a strip club Karma threw the curtain open on stage

Karma: get ready for
a new look and new
rhythms with a new
hook I'm not here to
cuddle more like too
leave you in puddles
little double trouble
got your boy shook
and here's the sitch

The lights started changing different colors

Karma: feed sin with
your taxes so greedy
greed wins where all
the cash is you want
to sell my funny little
slutty body back to
the masses

She took off her see through jacket

Karma: feeling lonely
on a Saturday night
well money can't buy
happiness but it can
rent you paradise

Then the lights went out except the spotlight focusing on Karma

Karma: now give in to
temptation take your
time I'll be patient be
my little piggy let me
scratch a dirty itch...

She spread out her wings and flew above the crowd

Karma: yes I'm a slut
bitch! and fix up your
frown bitch! gimme
the crown bitch you
hear that sound It's
going down

Karma landed back on the stage

Karma: because I'm
a slut bitch!

She took a bow and the crowd cheered


Karma left the club counting the money she had

Karma: another successful show! Not bad if I do say so myself! And I do

She walked past a bunch of TV's showing the Vee's

Karma: Agh the Vee's? More like the 'wannabes'

A bolt of electricity came out of one of the TV's, stopped in front of Karma and it was Vox the whole time

Vox: is that a way to speak to your future boss?

Karma: cut the bullshit Vox I'm not working for you. I already have a job

Karma started walking away but Vox literally moved as fast as lightning to get in front of her

Vox: Oh come on Karma you'll make so much more money then you do now

He grabbed Karma's arm making her drop the money

Karma: Hey-!

Vox: You'll be famous!

Karma: and what exactly do you get out of this deal?

Vox: after every show we a get night together

Vox was about to touch Karma with his other hand but she grabbed it then her eyes went completely red


Vox got out of her grip

Vox: fine but you'll be back

He became electricity and disappeared through a TV

Karma: That mother fucker...

Karma picked up the money and kept walking until she saw a flyer on the wall with a picture of Hazbin hotel

Karma: Another pointless add

She held the flyer and read through it

Karma: redemption? Ha! Now that's funny

Charlie was nearby putting up more flyers but then saw Karma and ran up to her

Charlie: Hi! I see you're looking at one of my flyers!

Karma: Uh yeah... And you are...

Charlie: Oh right! I'm Charlie! Nice to meet you!

Karma: I know. So you really believe in redemption?

Charlie: Yep! I'm the founder of the Hazbin Hotel which is a rehabilitation center for souls who have a chance at redemption!

Charlie kept talking but Karma wasn't listening at all

Karma: listen lady I'm sure you have big ideas-

Charlie: Aww thanks!

Karma: ...But I'm not interested. I have a good thing going already being a stripper and singer

Charlie: you can't tell me you enjoy being paid to... uh... you know

Karma: I do know and yes I do

Charlie: don't you want to get into heaven? Have better future?

Karma: hold on a second! If this actually works I can get into heaven?

Charlie: Yes! That's exactly what I'm trying to do with help from my girlfriend and Alastor!

Karma: wait a minute the fucking radio demon is helping you to?!

Charlie nodded happily then Karma looked at the flyer which had a picture of heaven and looked back at Charlie

Karma: ...Count me in

Charlie: Really?!

Karma: Sure I've been here for 30 years and never seen anything like this before

Suddenly Charlie hugged Karma

Charlie: Thank you! Thank you!

Karma: Uh don't mention it... can you let go now?

Charlie immediately let go

Charlie: Sorry I just get really excited! By the way I never got your name!

Karma: It's Karma. she/her pronouns

Charlie: well it was great talking to you Karma! Since it's late so will you be at the hotel tomorrow?

Karma: I'll be there

She walked away still holding the flyer

Karma: I'll see you soon Sally

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