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Everyone was watching one of Angels sex films

Angel: You know this performance won me a Sex-x-xi award

Charlie: It's uh... Very... Honest?

Charlie looked at the screen then covered her eyes

Vaggie: Ew! Okay! Enough of that Angel what the fuck?

Angel: What? You said was show and tell day I'm showing you my best film and I'm telling you that it scored me a win over Karma old films!

Karma: Oh please you're an amateur at best!

Angel: then how come no one remembers who you are?

Karma got angry and her eyes went completely red. Then Husk stopped cleaning a bottle to talk to them all

Husk: You know not a very convincing interrogation scene

Karma calmed down a little and her eyes went back to normal

Karma: agreed there are plenty of plot holes to

Angel: Alright dickheads what makes either of you think you have any right to insult my work to my fucking face?

Karma: it's called 'experience' not that you know what that means

Husk: and you really gonna sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?

Angel: *gasps* Fuck both of you! This is classy art!

In the movie the demon slapped Angels butt

Karma: yeah I'll stick with garbage

Then Husk walked up to angel

Husk: That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender! I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point!

Karma: I can tell when someone is bluffing-

Husk: oh really?

He pointed to pentious

Husk: That one. That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep! Princess is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems except her own.

Charlie: What?! No I... What? no!

Husk pointed at Vaggie

Husk: This one. Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself! nifty?

Nifty made an evil smile

Husk: you don't even want to know what her deal is

Karma: Ha!

Husk: as for you Karma you just want any kind of power because you think it'll make you feel better from whatever happened to you in the past!

Karma: You don't know anything about me Husk!!

Angel: Hahaha! You weren't kidding! wow! Kitten's got claws

He made husk face him

Angel: meow!

Husk backed away from Angel

Husk: And you! Don't get me started. I see right through you and all this bullshit and how fake you are!

The Story Of HellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz