Radio Killed The Video Star

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Charlie was pacing back and forth with Keekee following her

Charlie: Ok so the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year but it's no big deal it's ust a little setback nothing we can't handle! Just angels cutting our timetable in half be who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?! And next time when they cut the time in half again! and again! we'll just handle it! right?!

Vaggie held onto Charlie

Vaggie: Yes! We will

Angel and Karma both looked online

Angel: Oh please you had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit and now...

Karma noticed a few messages on Angel's phone. One of them said 'fuck you'

Angel: Ain't no silver lining this time toots!

Charlie: Sure there is! We just... have to look a little harder for it!

Karma: where exactly are you going to look?

Charlie: I'm not sure but there's always a bright side!

Angel: Well while you're looking the rest'a hell's going nuts

He shows a demon on fire on his phone

Angel: People are already freaking out about the news. Look at what's happening in the Doomsday District

Charlie noticed a message pop up on angels phone

Charlie: Uh what's a donkey show?

Angel: uh nothing!

He put his phone away

Angel: My boss Val is just freaked out about the news too

Karma: wait 'Val'? As in Valentino? One of the Vees?

Angel: that's none of your fucking business but like I said everyone's losing their shit

Vaggie: Yeah that's true... Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?

Charlie: *Gasps* This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!

Angel: Cute idea and all but you really gonna go out in all of this?

Charlie: Well it's not like people are just gonna show up on our doorstep-

Suddenly an explosion broke a hole in the wall

Charlie: AH!

Karma: What the fuck?!

Everyone went outside and saw a giant doom ship

Pentious: Show yourssself Alastor! Come and face-!

He saw Alastor drinking coffee on the balcony

Pentious: oh there you are! Face my wrath!

Alastor: Who are you?

Pentious: Who am I? Who am I?! I am the great Sir Pentioussss! Inventor, architect of dessstruction, villain extraordinaire!

Egg Bois: Oh you tell him boss!

Alastor appeared next to Charlie and the others

Nifty: oh he's a bad boy!

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