The Lab (Willow Saviour Ending)

Start from the beginning

"I AM STITCHY!!" However, Penny had melted in her shadow form, and simply re-formed right behind Stitchy. She punched, but Stitchy created a hole where she punched, and then reformed, trapping her hand inside. Stitchy whistled, and the other creature rose up, it extended it's arms and grabbed Penny, it pulled her and tried to smash her on the ground, but then Penny grew, she reformed into the gnarly pig. It barred it's saliva dripping fangs, before pouncing at the creature. Stitchy charged up another beam and fired, but Penny held out a knuckle, then there was a faint sizzling noise. The beam died out, and Stitchy glared again. The only problem with this, was the fact that I was long gone.

My heart pounded even more as I sprinted out of that room, he I met two creatures that from the looks of they, could have quite simply killed him. But what was Penny all about, she was a write-off, his heart panged painfully when he realised he'd have to tell Georgie what happened to her. He strode up stairs, completely out of breath, and saw commotion unfolding in a room before him. It was Willow and Tigry. Tigry was on one knee, a nasty bruise on his cheek, and Willow standing up, staring down at him.

"Go on then." Tigry snarled. "Finish me, deep down, I know you don't have the heart to." Willow decided to promptly kicked him in the chest, causing him to collapse.

"Maybe you do." He grunted. Willow noticed me.

"Look at this pathetic man." She spat, kicking him again. "Surely you could never trust him." Just something about watching these two endlessly fight, that made my insides squirm.

"STOP IT!" I yelled at them. Both of them looked at me, surprised, before I continued.

"The cure has to be around here somewhere." I reasoned. "It's probably in this very corridor."

Willow and Tigry glanced at each other. I could tell they both agreed with me, Willow to a lesser extent. The two of them rose to their feet and followed me. And then, he checked every room of the hallway that we could find. But then, a miracle happened. At the end of the corridor briefly flickered, just showing a room where a vial sat on a table. The liquid was bright blue.

"Could it be?" I whispered, darting forward. Willow and Tigry followed close behind me as I slowly made my way up to the door.

"Well I never." Tigry growled, running forwards. However, all of a sudden, like something out of a dream, my vision faded to black, and when I opened my eyes, the whole scenery had changed. I was no longer inside the lab, instead, I was in some strange, distorted landscape. And to my horror, Willow and Tigry were about fifteen feet ahead of me. They stood in the centre of the landscape, and they were fighting, only, it was way more intense than before. Blood was flying everywhere, bones were breaking, I had to act fast. And I didn't have too much time to act either, as not too far away from me, several, ghostly entities appeared. They were the colours of the rainbow, red, blue, purple, only they were about two feet taller than me, and nearly double my armspan. I rose to my feet. If I was going to stop this, it wasn't going to be with them around. I started running around the landscape, the floor underneath my feet cracking into nothing. It was like a dream. And then, I circled back around until I was right in front of the battle taking place. Both of them were in bad shape.

"Y-you." Willow said shakily, out of breath. Her left leg was clearly broken, as she was kneeling down, and various wounds sported her face. Tigry wasn't much better, he had a black eye, and what looked like slash marks over his torso. And then, I saw something, to the left of me. A baton! Picking it up in my hands, it was heavy, heavy enough to do some serious damage. I looked towards the fight. And then, in that moment, with the entities wailing after me, I made a split decision. I reeled my arm back before throwing the baton through the air. Towards...Willow. I don't know why I made that decision, but in the moment it seemed right to me. As soon as the baton was in her hands, Willow swung the bat upwards and hit Tigry on the chin with all the force in her right hand. Tigry froze for a moment, before sailing backwards and hitting the floor, knocked out. And then, as quickly as the dream had started, it ended.

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