The Story

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I opened my eyes and found the world was in grey. I knew this meant that the triangular demon was close by. "Bill!" I roared for him. He appeared and looked Proud? Of my apperance. "What did you do to me?!" I growled at him. "I only released a memory lost within your subconscious, the rest you did all on your own." he said. I didn't buy it. "Explain." The triangle. Sighed then begun his side of the story. About how Ford stole me and placed me with Sheremy, the device on the back of my jaw, how he had tried to find me but couldn't leave gravity falls. I stared at him with a look of disbelief and the feeling of betrayal. "Your friends and sister's affection for you is real, if it helps but I'm not sure how Stan and Ford are." He said. "I'll check on you later okay?" He then phased out leaving me to my thoughts. I woke up and looked around for the triangle but he wasn't around, I then thought about his words and how I was the son of a powerful dream demon and lord knows what else. The fact that Ford, or even my parents never told me made my blood boil. I roared in sadness and then looked in the water at my appearance. I was no longer a Human being. I was a dragon. "I never was a human..." I thought then slammed my tail into the cave floor.

I knew we had to catch Dipper and try to revert him back to a human. I had no idea Bill would turn him into that monstrosity but I knew that if I didn't act fast, things could get worse. I hoped Dipper hadn't put the pieces of his heritage together otherwise I fear the world was in for some big changes. "Okay spill it, I know you've been hiding something about Dipper and I have a pretty good feeling this is a cause of that secret am I right?" Stan said looking at me with a glare and catching his breath. "Not right now Stanley, I have to get to Dipper before something bad happens!" I said but was punched in the jaw. "No, you WILL tell me what's going on. He's my Great Nephew and I want to know!" I slugged him back and we ended up rolling on the ground until I finally gave in. "Okay, Okay, I'll explain." I said then told him how I swiped a child from the nightmare realm. "The child was Bill's but the mother was never found. I knew a kid couldn't be raised in the nightmare realm due to how dangerous it was so I put him with Sheremy. I made a device that would contain his magic power but it must have been overloaded and now we're in this situation." I said making Stan think. "It's odd though, Dragons are said to be extinct even amongst the Nightmare realm where I was trapped in for so long." "What's your point?" Stan asked finally processing what I had just told him. "Dipper has the traits of a dragon more than that of a dream demon." I said then we both continued to look for him, that was until we felt the earth shake a bit and a loud sorrowful roar was followed by it.

When we arrived to the waterfall we found many scorch marks around the lake where the waterfall ran into. That was when the ground shook and a loud sorrowful roar was heard. We looked at each other and ran for where the sound came from. When we arrived to the cave entrance we saw blue dragon and it was clawing and slamming its tail at the crystalized cave. It roared and looked extremely upset, then it saw us watching it. "Dipper?" Mable asked ever so quietly but got roared at and the dragon went on his hind legs then slammed down to the ground. Mable fell back and I caught her then looked at my once human friend. "Dipper? Is that really you?" I asked and the dragon looked at me then huffed. He turned and ran through the water fall spreading big wings and taking to the sky. "Wait! I wanted to talk to you!" I called but then he circled around and started breathing rainbow fire. I watched as he spun and twirled then noticed the flames had started to spell something in English, "leave." The fire like before didn't burn its surroundings.

I recognized the dragon as Dipper when I saw his signature hat on the cave ground and the pine tree mark engraved on his leg.  He landed next to the lake shore and watched as we started to climb back down. Mable tried to get close to him but he roared and put his tail infront of her every time she did.  "Dipper! I just want to tell you a secret!" I heard her say then look at me. I knew what she was gonna tell him, I was trying to tell him my secret too. The dragon still wouldn't let his sister close to him. I then got the courage and walked towards him, this caused his eyes to widen and then he sat up. "I'm not a human either!" I yelled to him and he looked at me quizzically. He narrowed his eyes then turned to fly off but what I said next caught his attention. "You have a semi-human appearance too! I can show you how to change back to it but you have to let me talk to you." Dipper huffed in annoyance but agreed to let me stay, when Mable tried to get close to him though he once again denied her and growled. "I want to come to Dipper!" She cried but he growled again, however when he growled, I could understand him.

"Mable, he doesn't recognize you as his sister right now..." I said whispering to her. "You can understand him?" "Vampire." "Ah." "Anyway you should let me handle it right now, I don't think he even wants me to come but he wants to take a human form again so he can at least talk." I explained. The girl frowned and nodded. "Only if you can promise to bring him back." She said. "I'll do what I can." I said watching her small form leave. I turned to dipper and then jumped into the air floating and waiting for him to lead me back to his cave. He flapped his wings and then flew through the waterfall. When we landed he stared at me to begin. I showed him how to control magic by making a ball of fire appear in my hands then extinguishing it. He looked at it with amazement then did the same. I was amazed at how fast he learned the fireball. "Imagine yourself as a human and your form should automatically change, I'll show you how." I said then turned into a giant bat. I then turned myself into a human again. I watched as the dragon was engulfed in rainbow flames then a more human-looking figure appeared where the dragon once stood.

"Here." I said putting his hat I found on him. He looked at me then said thank you. I noticed his voice was fairly echoey but also very soothing in a way. "So, do you know who that girl was that I was with?" I asked carefully. He looked at me then shook his head no. "She seemed familiar but I'm not sure." He said making me realize, I was too late. I dropped to my knees and teared up. "You know me right?" I said about cry. "Yes." He said staring at me concerned. I looked up and saw he had the same look of worry and kindness towards me. We were interrupted when we heard two men yelling his name. I looked over at dipper and saw he was reverting back into his full dragon form, his pupils were slits and he gritted his fanged mouth. I wondered what made him so upset then he flew out of the cave so fast the water in the waterfall lagged.

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