Ugh, Giddeon

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It's been around a month since me and Mable have to come to Gravity falls. I have made many new discoveries and have talked to Bill quite a bit. For a dream demon he seems pretty chill and oddly familiar but I can't quite figure it out. Mable has made friends with two girls (Candy and Grenda) and has invited them for a sleepover while I sleep outside and get my leg bitten by a wolf. It's better than hearing those girls talk about a boy band and fangirling. The next morning when I went inside I saw Stan watching the news about a new main attraction in Gravity Falls, it was called the tent of telepathy or something. Stan started complaining about it which made Mable and the girls come down and ask about it. So here we are now at the tent of telepathy checking it out. I watched unamused as a little, pig nosed, boy came out with hair bigger than his body and started singing. What caught my attention was when he made everyone in the crowd rise with a glowing pendant. The kid now known as Giddeon had taken a liking to Mable so naturally the next day, he was at our house. Mable was happy to make a new friend and agreed to hang out with him but she didn't realize his intentions were deeper.

When she came home I could tell she was in a depressed mood. "What's up?" I asked. "Giddeon asked me to go out with him." "And?" "I said okay to one date but I Don't want to date him. I didn't know how to tell him no." "Like this, No." "Dipper, that would be mean though." "Well, I don't know what to tell you, the truth can hurt sometimes and I think it would have been better for you to tell him you're not interested." I said making her frown. "You could always talk to Wendy about it. She seems to have experience with romance, you know cause of Robbie?" I said then muttered, who totally isn't right for her... angrily. "I'll see how tomorrow goes." She said running off. I shrugged then went back to writing in my journal.

I heard there were some new kids in our small town and decided to put on a show. I heard a rumor about an outgoing, cute girl being one of them and sure enough the rumors were true. Her name was Mable. (Because it was on her sweater). I noticed she came in with a boy who looked unimpressed. Seeing him for some reason made my blood boil. I preformed my signature dance and song, then proceeded to use the special amulet I had received from a triangular demon, to make the audience rise. The boy did not yet everyone else did. Why didn't my amulet work?! I could be exposed by him! I thought angrily tearing up my room in a fit. I then remembered that the two siblings were close and if I managed to date the cute one, The boy would have no choice but to accept my skills. I went over to their hovel of a home and was happy to be greeted by Mable.

I asked if Mable wanted to hang out with me and to my happiness, she agreed. We were having such a good time I didn't want it to end so i asked her out on a date tomorrow. She seemed uncomfortable but she said yes. this made my insides get tickled pink. The next morning I went over to the Mystery Shack to pick up Mable but was greeted by the boy who made me mad. "Oh, it's you." He said unamused. "Giddeon." I said. "Right.... Well come in, Stan won't be thrilled about it though." He said letting me in then walked off. I noticed he held a journal in his hand but then my attention was stolen by Mable coming down in a llama Sweater. "Hello my marshmallow." I greeted causing the boy to cringe. "Ah, Giddeon...." She said sounding unhappy to see me. "What's the matter?" I asked. "Well... I talked to a friend and my brother last night and it got me thinking." "Yes?" "I don't want to date you. I would rather us just be friends okay?" She said nervous. I had a feeling her brother had more to do with her not wanting to be with me than her actual feelings so I smiled and agreed. I left for the afternoon but had begun putting a plan together to make the boy pay for ruining my chances with Mable.

"Im proud of you sis, I didn't think you'd tell him to his face." I said to Mable making her frown. "But I know it hurt his heart..." "tough love." I shrugged and continued doing my own thing. Mable ended up turning on the Tv and we sat there watching it. The phone rang and we played not it. I lost and had to go answer the phone, I wasn't expecting what I heard over the phone, "someone wants to confess something to you meet them a the abandoned factory." the phone then hung up. I found it was a woman's voice and thought about actually going. I decided I'd go but bring a weapon in case it was a trap. When I arrived the sun had started to set and sure enough it was a trap. I walked into the factory yet no one was there, or so I thought. I watched as a light went on and lit up a chair with none other then Giddeon on it. "Giddeon." I said unamused. "Hello, Dipper Pines. I called you out here to make you regret getting in the way of Mable and I." "Huh? Dude, she didn't want to date you." "Liar! I'll make sure you never lie to me again." He said and put his hand on the amulet that begun to glow. Boxes in the factory begun opening and sheers were being pulled through the air with what appeared to be telepathy. "You shouldn't be able to do that!"  I said backing up a bit. "I really didn't want to fight due to the last time I got in a fight with someone but then he sent one of the Sheers towards me. It pierced the wall behind me as I dodged.

He kept sending them towards me only to miss, "Look man I don't wanna fight you!" I said but the little pig boy was not having it. At this point my patience was running thin and I felt a warm sensation run through my body. "I said STOP IT!" I yelled and all of a sudden the Sheers under his control dropped to the ground, the glass shattered and floated around me. I rose to my feet while glaring at the annoying kid. "Listen and listen close, I'm giving you one chance to leave me and my sister alone." I growled. I noticed the kid tried to get the sheers back to his control but it didn't work. He begun to panic. "You can't stop me! You're just a nobody!" He said as a pathetic attempt to make me stop. I was about to send the glass shards forward but was stopped by Mable running in and yelling at me to stop. As soon as I saw her my control on the glass released and the shards fell to the ground. "What are you two doing?!" She started. "Marshmallow, I Was-" "Look Giddeon, I am NOT your marshmallow and I came to that decision on my own, also... What the hell?! You literally just tried to kill my brother!" I noticed Mable ran to my side to make sure I was okay.

"If I can't have you for myself then I will get rid of you!" He said reactivating his control on the sheers and aiming them towards mostly me. I stumbled back and on reflex tossed a shard of glass at the amulet, I effectively broke it and caused Giddeon to loose his "physic" powers.  He cursed us as we ended up leaving the factory. When we made it back to the shack we were covered in leaves and scratches from the run in with Giddeon. "Did you two get hit by a bus? HA!" Stan laughed making us cringe at his sense of humor and walk off. "Hey.. take something from the gift shop on the house." I looked at him cautiously, "what's the catch?" "The catch is do it before I change my mind." He said then put his huge wad of cash in a safe. I chose another Pine tree hat, and Mable chose a freaky pig doll.

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