The Change

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I woke up in my bed from the nightmare I had the night before and saw Mable staring at me. She looked at me in concern then told me she heard me ask what am I in a very upset tone. I told her it was just a nightmare and to go back to sleep. I noticed she didn't believe me but did so anyways.. as soon as she was asleep I noticed her drawer of sequence and walked over towards it. It looked so shiny and I wanted to take it....

I heard dipper saying stuff in his sleep but then I heard him yell, "WHO AM I?!" In his sleep and it made me jolt fully awake. I looked over and saw he was crying and shaking but then he noticed me and quickly wiped his tears. I asked if he was okay and he nodded. His eyes were a fiery gold which meant he was extremely upset and trying to calm down. He reassured me he was okay and told me to back to sleep. After a while of laying in bed and listening to him, I fell back to sleep. I wasn't expecting to wake up to all of my glitter, sequence and stuffed animals gone. I looked around and found none of them. I also found Dipper was no where to be found either. I rushed out of the room and into the attic hall where I found a huge pile of shiny and soft things. I then heard ford yell, "where the hell is my guns?!" This in turn caused Stan to wake up and he found his safe was broken and the coins inside were gone. "My change!" He yelled while also swearing. I looked at the pile and noticed a part of it move.

I walked closer to the part of the pile that moved and that was when I found Dipper. He was curled in a ball and had two small horns growing from his head. I noticed he curled up into a ball and had nub which I could only guess was the start of a tail. I backed away fearful of what happened to my brother and what I had just witnessed, I then called Wendy and yelled for Grunkle Ford and Grunkle Stan. The two Grunkles heard me yell and ran up the stairs only to stare puzzled at the pile of everyone's belongings and the moving portion of it. "What the hell is this?!" Grunkle Stan yelled in annoyance. Grunkle Ford saw one of his laser guns and reached out to grab it but when he did he was clawed by something. I had a bad feeling I knew exactly what that clawed things was. "Don't touch my Treasure." We all heard an echoey voice say and two glowing blue eyes stared at us within the pile.

We stared at the pair of eyes for a while until the eyes turned away and burrowed deeper into the massive pile. Grunkle Stan regained his composure and attempted to grab his coins from the pile but then a circle of rainbow fire appeared around the massive pile. "Stay away from my hoard!" The echoey voice roared then revealed itself to the Grunkles. I knew it was Dipper but was too stunned to speak all I could do was Watch. It was odd the rainbow flames didn't burn the floor or anything in the room but when Grunkle Stan Touched it, it burned him. Stan yelped in pain which in turn caused Soos to come running in and find his little friend standing on top of the pile and a ring of fire around him. He instantly noticed Dipper had small horns and a nubby tail. "Dipper what's the matter with you?!" Grunkle Ford tried to ask but earned a growl in response, then out of nowhere he roared and gripped his head. For a moment his eyes turned gold and he looked at me with pleading eyes. His eyes seemed pained.

"Dipper? Can you hear me?" I asked as he fell to his knees. Tears streamed down his face and I watched as his horns started to grow a little longer along with his tail. He looked at me then narrowed his eyes, it was as if he was trying to figure out who I was. It was at that moment Wendy arrived and that was when All hell broke loose. Upon seeing Wendy Dipper had a horrified look on his face, hissed then looked towards the window. "Grunkle Ford, Stop him! He's going to jump!" I called to Ford but it was already too late. Dipper had fled through the window and was now running away from the Shack. I immediately ran outside after him with Wendy following close behind. The two Grunkles decided to separate from us and search for my brother. I cried when I remembered this morning's events but continued running until Wendy saved me from falling off a small cliff. "Mable slow down!" She said making me look at her with wet eyes. "What's going on? You gotta talk to me." She said making me calm a bit. "D-dipper's turning into some sort of beast a-and he doesn't seem to recognize any of us..." she said sadly. "Mable how old is dipper really?" Wendy asked making me a bit confused as to why she'd bring that up now. "Today he turns thirteen. I turn Thirteen Tomorrow." I said still not following her logic.

"We have to find him soon or it may be too late." She said getting a worried look on her face and climbing one of the tall forest trees. All of a sudden the world turned grey and an odd triangle appeared. "Bill!" Wendy yelled knowing full well who the triangular creature was. "Heya Ice Girl, Shooting Star. You seem to have a problem on your hands." He said grinning. "I can help you but you'll have to do me a favor." He said making me and Mable feel uneasy. "We're desperate, Help us." "He's taking up residence in a cave behind a waterfall. The forest is dense there and it is a very swampy area." The triangle said. "As for my end of this deal, make me a humanoid doll Shooting Star. I need a vessel if I'm going to talk to my son." He said then disappeared. We woke up and looked at each-other then raced to the water fall Bill had told us about.

When I arrived at the Mystery Shack I heard lots of commotion in the attic and decided to go see what was happening. When I arrived I did not expect to see Dipper standing tall on a pile of the Shack's Shiny objects. I saw he had horns and a small tail. His eyes were glowing a bright blue and when they looked at me I saw them turn a faint gold. The expression in his eyes made me realize what was happening to him. He then looked at the window and I knew his next plan of action but he was so fast in doing it I hadn't had the chance to stop him. Mable immediately ran after him and I followed behind her. I asked Mabel how old he really was and she said he turned thirteen today. I then remembered when I first found out I was a Vampire and how I responded. It wasn't all that different. I knew if we didn't find him soon he would forget his humanity entirely which meant we would have no way to communicate with him.

It was as if the mysterious figure from last night heard my thoughts because all of a sudden the world went grey. Mable didn't want to waste anytime and decided to make the deal with the creature who gave off sinister vibes, and now we were running towards the place the creature had told us. "Mable... your brother is going through something magical creatures go through when they turn thirteen and are raised by humans." I started explaining while we were running. "What do you mean?" She asked not loosing focus on her footing. "I mean your brother might have been this creature all along and now he's awakening what he is." "How do you know about this stuff?" She asked making me hesitant to answer her. "I'm a Vampire... I went through it too." I said and then she stopped and looked at me. "Hold up you're a vampire?! That's so Cool! Wait can you turn me into a vampire?" She asked. It wasn't the reaction I was expecting but I was happy she took it so well. "We need to find your brother first, then we can talk about my heritage." I said and begun running again. She followed behind.

I had collected a pile of shiny, soft, and colorful objects then fell asleep on them. I was woken up when I felt a presence and knew it was someone close so I continued to sleep. I shifted a bit but then I felt another presence come in and try to take something from my glorious pile. I swiped at the hand that dared intrude and glared at the offender. They seemed familiar but I couldn't figure it out. The girl that looked at me in what I could only describe as shock seemed the closest to me out of them all. I huffed then turned back into my pile but another one came and tried to grab my precious treasures. That really made me mad so I roared and set a ring of fire around my hoard. Hopefully they'd get the hint and leave me alone. They didn't. I roared at them but then a red haired girl walked in and I immediately remembered who all of them were and more importantly who she was. "Wendy..." I hissed then tried to find a way to escape her sight. I didn't want her seeing me like this. I saw the window and on instinct I jumped.

I ran through the woods and deep into the forest. That was until I found a beautiful spot far enough away from the place where I was. I decided to walk around and explore the area a bit. I scorched the surrounding rocks and trees then found a cave behind a magnificent waterfall. I decided that was where I would make my nest. I suddenly felt a jolt of pain however and immediately fell to the ground. I looked at my hands and noticed they were now a blue color. My back begun to pop and my head felt like it was getting split in two. I roared in agony then the last thing I remembered seeing was rainbow flames light up the crystalized cave.

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