Ghosts and Flames

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When I had come in to stop Giddeon from hurting Dipper, I never would have guessed to see Dipper how he was. The last time something like that happened was when I was being hit by a bully at school. I called for him to stop before he really killed Giddeon. I knew Dipper wouldn't have fought back without his or my life being at stake and immediately pieced together what was happening. That night when we went to bed I thought about how his eyes looked. They didn't look human and the fact that he was making glass shards float and be aimed at Giddeon was really odd too. I knew that Dipper's eyes changed when he was in a life or death situation but I'd never seen his do what he did with the shards before. "Dipper?" I asked hoping he was still awake. "Hm?" He turned his head and asked softly. "How did you make that glass float? What were you gonna do to Giddeon?" I listened as he hesitated to answer. "I don't know how I made the glass float and as for what I was going to do to Giddeon... I'm not really sure I just acted on instinct I think." He said then turned over signaling he didn't want to think about it. The next morning I woke up and got a text from Wendy. "Do you and Dipper Wanna hang with me and my friends at a haunted connivence store?" It read. "Definitely." I texted back earning a smile face emoji. I ran down to tell dipper and he tried to play it cool but, I knew he was thrilled to hang out with Wendy.

I wasn't expecting someone as cool as Wendy to single me and Mable out to hang out with her friends so when she did I was thrilled. I wasn't excited about us going with Robbie, Wendy's Ex-boyfriend-Stalker. He always makes fun of me for being a little kid but he's not that great. I decided to bring my journal with me in case the place was actually haunted. I have dealt with ghosts before so if this was an ordinary haunting I could deal with it with ease. The meeting place was infront of the shack before the sun set. We are supposed to go explore it tonight when it gets dark, the other teens thought it would be good for building an atmosphere. When we were driving Mable tried to embarrass me by saying Wendy was my girlfriend but thankfully I managed to cut her off. I don't know What I'd do if she actually ended up telling her. When we arrived there was a huge fence with a keep out sign around the building. The teens scaled the fence along with my sister but something inside said to avoid the place so I took a little longer to enter.

The teens laughed at me for not scaling it like my sister and I blushed in embarrassment. Robbie tried to open the door but couldn't get it open so I suggested to help. Robbie made fun of me as usual but I wasn't expecting Wendy to call me a little kid. This made me upset and I walked angrily to the side, I scaled the building and punched the air vent in then climbed in. When I got in the building I saw them outside and opened the door then walked away. I went to the back of the store and sat at a table with my journal, watching the other teens playing around and Mable eating Smile dip. I grabbed an ice cream cone from the oddly still working freezer then returned to my spot. When I sat down I saw Wendy come over and quickly hid my journal. "Hey, why are you over here by yourself?" She asked. "Just watching the chaos." I said looking away. "You know Mable said you were good at playing the electric guitar." She said making me surprised. "Damn it! I told her not to tell anyone!" I said loosing my composure making Wendy flinch. "Sorry, not many people know about it..." I said lowering my voice and looking at the table. "So, I guess that means you like rock?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "Well I brought along my earbuds, wanna hear one of my favorite podcasts? There's a certain singer on there that I really like, apparently his whole identity is a mystery." She said putting an earbud in my ear and turning on an all to familiar song.

I almost passed out when I heard the guitar playing and realized she liked MY music. I was the one playing her favorite song....I knew it all to well because I wrote it too. "I-I Like it." I stuttered down the shock of someone actually listening to my songs. "Figured you might. anyway you can keep listening to it if you want, I'm going to go play with the guys." "Okay." I said watching her leave. I noticed the lights begun to flicker which made me get up and look around. "Woah guys, check this out." One of the teens said catching all our attention. "Those lines mean someone really died here." "Guess the rumors were true." They talked amongst themselves. "I dare you to lay down in it." One said, I got a really bad feeling and stopped them. They laughed at me again so I laid down on the marks, "there you happy?!" I said upset and then the lights went out and the lines begun to glow. We all backed up and looked at the two plasma entities infront of us. The teens tried to escape but were stopped by the ghost. I tried to explain what to do to not make the situation worse but none of them would listen to me. One of the teens was then hit by the ghost and trapped in a television while another was turned into a hot dog. The last two aside from me, Mable, and Wendy looked at me and asked what we should do.

"The reason a ghost haunts someone or something is because they want something. The only ways to get rid of ghosts depend on the type of ghost itself. This is a poltergeist type so what we need is to find out what it wants and give it to them." The last two teens were put on the back of a cereal box. Wendy and I hid under a counter and Wendy started to panic. "What are we gonna do?! We don't know why they're so angry with us!" "Well, what were you all doing that could have made them upset, Tambry was on her phone, Thompson was playing a game, Robbie was teasing you, Zedd and Luke. I don't see the problem those were all normal teenage things to do." My eyes widened when she said that but then I noticed the ghosts had found Mable. They were playing with her body as is she were a basket ball and because she had so much smile dip she couldn't move. "Hey let's make this teen suffer some pain." One of the ghosts said. "I like the sound of that." The other said getting a baseball bat form one of the shelves and rearing up. This made me enraged to see my sister in danger so I jumped out without thinking, and yelled at the two. "Let her go!" The ghosts turned and looked at me like I was stupid while Wendy watched me with a look of terror on her face. "Make us you stupid teen." One of the ghosts said, this made me so upset then all of a sudden rainbow colored flames appeared in my hands. I clenched my fist and ran towards them, they dodged but I managed to punch one and the ghost screamed in agony. "The time for talking is over, I was originally gonna ask you what you wanted us to do to make you leave us alone but you've tested my patience by attempting to harm Mable and for that.... you will disappear." I said gaining a sadistic grin when I saw them cower.

"I-I'm so-sorry, you can have her back, please just let me go." The ghost cried. I stepped closer with my twisted grin but was stopped by a trembling hand. "D-Dipper...." I looked over and saw Wendy scared but firm. My eyes softened when they met hers then I turned back to the ghost. "Why have you decided to attack us?" I asked demanding an answer. "Y-your teenagers! T-the cause of me and my-my husband's death..." I glared at the remains ghost, "you should be grateful to this teenager she has spared you from an endless amount of pain. Get lost and release my friends." I said and the ghost nodded then fled. I turned to Wendy, Apologized, and asked, "Can you take Mable home? I'll meet her there." I then walked away trying to figure out where the rainbow flames came from and what happened to me. When I arrived at the shack I went straight up to the attic and fell on my bed. I couldn't get the image of Wendy being Afraid of me out of my head and ended up crying myself to sleep. My last thought before fading into unconsciousness was, "what the hell happened to me?"

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