A Secret Revealed

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When things started going south in the haunted convenience store and Mable was in danger I saw a side of Dipper I didn't think Existed. I've known for the month that we've known each other that he had been shy and secretive but that was one of the reasons I became so close with him. It feels like I have known him for longer than a month and yet when the ghosts took his sister, I saw something in him Change. His eyes glowed a bright Blue and were filled with fury like I had never seen before. The pupils in his eyes turned to slits and He leapt out towards the ghosts. I watched as rainbow colored flames ignited in his hands and he moved inhumanly fast to punch the ghosts, when his fist made contact the ghost screeched in agony and he smiled a dark smile. I started to feel bad for the last ghost and Ran to stop him. When he looked into my eyes his pupils got bigger and his glare softened. I didn't know why but in that instance I felt grateful I was bale to get through to him. He spared the ghost to my request and the ghost left us. I wanted to ask him what happened to him but then he told me to take Mable back to the shack, he wanted time to think. I didn't dare ask why and just agreed to do so.

When my friends came too they were all freaked out and traumatized, however none of them saw what Dipper had done and I decided to keep it to myself. "What happened to the ghosts?" Robbie asked, "Dipper protected me and defeated the ghosts." Was all I said. I noticed he gained a scowl on his face then I walked over to Mable. I picked her up and took her to the van. When we arrived to the mystery Shack I carried her to the couch then made a silent vow with myself, I would get to know Dipper and stay by his side no matter what happened and happens next. The look he gave me at the convenience store was a look of pure sorrow, rage, hurt, and concern. It made me happy that I was able to pull him out of whatever had happened to him and I wanted to keep it that way. I went home to try and sleep off the exhausting night but sure enough didn't fall asleep until early in the morning. When I woke up it was time for me to go to work and I had to race around the house to get ready.

I arrived at the mystery shack again but this time for my shift, when I got there however I noticed Dipper was no where in sight and Mable had a concerned look on her face. Soos came in when he overheard us talking about where Dipper had gotten off to and said he went to the forest with a guitar and backpack. I had decided to let Mable in on what had happened with Dipper last night during my lunch period. I walked to the place we were supposed to meet but then I heard a guitar playing. The song sounded familiar and so did the voice. I ran to where the sound was coming from and then realized I'd startle whoever was playing my favorite song, so I hid. I looked from my hiding spot and saw an unbelievable sight, It was Dipper, he was playing my favorite song and singing it, not only that but he was the mystery player on the podcast. I listened in awe as the song ended and then he begun to play another song, however I hadn't heard this one yet. I listened closer and the lyrics were much more sorrowful and dark.

I almost gave my hiding spot away when I felt a tap on my leg but was saved by Mable and she looked at me then Dipper with caution. "Come on." She whispered and we started to crawl away. I then accidentally stepped on a stick and caused Dipper to stop playing. I looked back and noticed his eyes glowed a golden color this time but decided to follow Mable. When we got out of his hearing range, Mable began lecturing me. "What were you doing?! When Dipper is playing his guitar he shouldn't be disturbed! It could mean some really bad things if he ever found out!" She then calmed herself and sighed. "Sorry, you wanted to talk to me about last night right?" She asked and I nodded. "I have a few questions regarding Dipper too.. but first," she explained everything that happened last night. Mables Eyes widened with horror and then realization. "That makes sense..." "huh?" "Whenever he'd have a breakdown he'd run away for days. He probably had a panic attack when you saw him like that and thats why he's out here. He wont be back for another day or two." She sighed. "What happened to him?" I asked. "I'm not sure I can to tell you but I do know it's only happened once when we were back in our hometown. Ever since we came to gravity falls he's done it much more frequently." "What do you mean?"

"As I said when we first came here and you asked about him being shy? He's shy and doesn't like to fight because he will easily win. He sent a bully to the hospital for my sake. The only reason the bully survived was because I had told him to stop. My parents couldn't get through to him when he was in that state and he would attack anyone who tried to get close to me or him. When you got close to him last night, I couldn't believe he didn't attack you. When he's in that state he acts purely on instinct and will not respond to anyone but those he cares deeply about. You know he's in that state when his eyes are a glowing bright blue and his pupils are slits." She said. "What about when his eyes are gold?" "Oh, that means he's calming himself down. He shouldn't be disturbed when he's in that state otherwise it could lead him going back to his instincts. He can't control himself so he doesn't like people getting close to him and I don't even want to think about what would happen if someone betrayed him or hurt him in that way." She said looking at the ground. All I could do was listen then I remembered the flames forming in his hands. "What were those flames?" "I honestly don't know. That was new and when Giddeon attacked me a similar thing happened. I feel like something is going to happen to my brother as long as we stay in this town but I don't know what or when." She said getting up and offering me a hand.

"It's best to leave him alone right now, and besides we have to get back or Stan will get upset." She smiled. I took her hand and we walked back to the Mystery Shack. I was shocked to learn he was the famous podcaster I liked and that he had this bizarre side to him but all the same I couldn't help but be more and more intrigued by Dipper. The more I learned the more I wanted to know, I now understood why people could get away with picking on him. It was because he didn't want to loose control and hurt them. I thought about what Mabel said, how the town has been effecting him and causing new things to happen, so Mable and I decided to look for the cause of what was making Dipper continuously go haywire. I knew that this town had its fair share of secrets because I had one myself. I thought about what would happen if people started to figure me out then another thought flashed through my mind, a particular journal.

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