Ch. 15

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Turning around I see a dark brown haired girl with greenish yellow eyes. She was standing there looking from me to the target with studying eyes.

" Did you shoot those?" She asks, amazement flashing across her face.

" Yes, ma'am. I did. I'm sorry if I was interfering in your guises training. I didn't mean to get in the way, I just saw that this one was open and decided to shoot a few rounds while I waited." I explained in an apology.

" You're fine. It looks like you hit all Bullseye's. Will you be able to hit more in the same spot?" She asks.

" I haven't shot a bow in a long time, but I'm confident I could." I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

" Hit 5 more arrows in the same spot." She orders, taking a step back with her hands crossed behind her back. With a confused look glanced her way I turn back towards the target. Drawing an arrow, I take a deep calming breath, releasing the line, letting the arrow fly. With a satisfying thud it hits the target right at the bullseye. I draw another arrow immediately, releasing it as it zips towards the target and hits the spot with another satisfying thud. Reaching into my quiver I grab 3 more and draw them all at once for fun, pulling the string tight I release all 3, watching as they fly through the air perfectly straight, hitting the center with precision.

Turning back around to look at the women, I see her looking at the target with wide eyes. Shock and amazement written across her face as she looks upon the target that's filled with 7 arrows taking up the entirety of the small circle. Blinking past her shock with a small shake of her head, she turns to look at me.

" You are very good. Who taught you?" She asks with curiosity. I open my mouth to reply before a voice interrupts me.

" Kenley, I told you to sit and wait over there." He says, pointing towards where I was supposed to be originally waiting. " I'm sorry Myla, it won't happen again." He says, looking at the woman and coming up to grab my arm. Right before he can touch me she stops him with a hand to his shoulder.

" No, she's perfectly fine Evander. I think we just found us a new Elite warrior." She says with a proud smile.

" How can she be Elite? She doesn't have any training?" He says gesturing towards me with furrowed brows and confusion lacing his voice.

" She's at an Elite level in Archery." She says to him, walking over to the target and pulling the arrows out of it one by one. Evander watches her movements as he sees that none of the arrows strayed away from the bullseye. Once all the arrows were in her grasp she walks back over to us." Kenley, is it?" She asks me, handing me the arrows.

" Yes." I said with a nod, grabbing my arrows from her and placing them back in my quiver.

" Do you have training in sword fighting?" She asks as I nod at her.

" Very well then. We will test you in that now." She says as I feel excitement burn in me from her statement. I haven't fought with my sword in a while. It will be fun to do that again.

" I was put in charge of her, Myla. She can't get hurt. My father will have my head if hears about this." Evander says with worry etching across his features.

" Not your choice, Evander. I'm recruiting her." Myla says.

" I'll be okay, Evander. I've trained before. It has been a while, but I know I'm still capable with my skills." I said, easing his worries.

" Perfect. You will need to strip your weapons, except for your sword" she says before calling over a girl. I pull out the arrows from my scabbard, handing them over to Evander along with my bow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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