Ch. 14

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Day 6

I woke up feeling my body being shook slightly. Slowly opening my eyes I see that I'm sat in a chair on a balcony and the sun is just starting to rise. Looking to my right, I see a guy. With furrowed eyebrows I try to remember how I got here. After a second it finally clicked. I'm staying at Barton's house, I came to the balcony after dinner and I must've fallen asleep. This is the guy from dinner.

" Good morning." I said, letting out a yawn and wiping the sleep from my eyes.

" Good morning. Why are you sleeping on the balcony?" He asks.

" I always watch the stars at night. I must've fallen asleep." I said, standing from the chair.

" The stars are very relaxing." He says with a nod in agreement. " I didn't get the chance to introduce myself yesterday. The names Evander." He says with a slight bow with one hand crossing his lower stomach and the other crossing his back. Looking at his hunched over form with furrowed brows he rises with his own questioning look.

" Why are you bowing?" I ask in confusion.

" It's a form of introduction and greeting." He says.

" Oh, well my names Kenley." I said bowing like he did.

" No, you don't bow." He says pulling me back up with a deep laugh as I look at him in confusion.

" The men bow." He explains.

" Oh." I spoke as my cheeks burn red in embarrassment.

"The names Kenley Morrigan Elwood." I introduced holding out my hand.

" It's nice to meet you Kenley." He says grabbing me hand as he brings it up to his lips. I pull my hand away fast before it touch his mouth. He looks at me in complete confusion

" Where I'm from we handshake each other in introductions. Hand kissing is more intimate and often associated with significant others." I explained as blush of embarrassment covered my cheeks.

" What is this?" He asks in awe, lightly touching my cheek with the brush of his fingers.

" It's called blushing. And it happens when I feel embarrassed." I explained as I can feel the deepening from his touch..

" It's cute." He says brushing his hand across my pink cheeks. My eyes widen at his words and I pull away from him, taking a step back.

" Oh great goddess of Freya help me."  I mumble to myself, covering my face with my hands. I'm going to pass out if he keeps touching me and embarrassing me.

" What did you say?" He asks.

" Nothing!" I squeak out as he laughs.

" My mother sent me up to get you. Breakfast is ready." he says gesturing me into my room. He closes the balcony doors behind me once I passed the threshold. I exit my room and walk downstairs with him following behind me.

Entering the kitchen I see an arrangement of breakfast Items across the table. Pancakes stacked on plates. Fruits cut and setup on what looks to be a charcuterie board. Syrup in a glass container, biscuits sat upon a cloth, jam and butter sat to the side with utensils at the ready for use. There was also orange juice, milk, and what looks like tea sat to the side for drink options.

" Did you sleep good?" His mother asks.

" I slept amazingly last night." I said as Evander gave me a look saying...


" I'm pleased that you slept well. Breakfast has been prepared. Eat as much as you like. We have milk, orange juice, and tea for the drink options." She says. So I was right about it being tea.

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