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It's been 3 months since we've moved into our tiny apartment. Things have been rough. Stuff constantly breaks and you can barely get ahold of the maintenance guy to come and fix it. The only plus side about this place is that there's a platform outside my window that I can sit on and look out at the stars. I guess it's a good thing we live on the edge of the city because stars are visible here. The stars are what calms me. My mind can rest when I look at the twinkling dots in the sky. Another bonus is that on the edge of my platform there's a pole that leads to the ground if I want to get down to the ground fast. I haven't really thought of how to get back in easily but I could always climb back up the pole if needed. Or sneak back in the door. I haven't snuck out yet if that's what your wondering. I just noticed it one day looking out my window. Now it's a daily routine to sit on the ledge and watch the stars.

Every night for the last three months since we moved here I have heard the rhythmic drums, haunting horns, and enchanting chants. I've asked my mom if she's heard the same thing but she has no idea what I'm even talking about. She thinks I'm making it up because I miss my father. But I know I'm actually hearing the noises. The noises sound close and it feels like it's calling me, beckoning me to follow it. I can't sleep at night anymore. The sounds are too loud to sleep. I just sit on the ledge and watch the stars until it ends. The sounds feel like a calling but it's also peaceful. By the time the suns comes up I get ready and head to school.

The only constant thing in my life is school. I still go to the same school. My mother didn't enroll me into a new one. She thought changing it so close to the end of the year would be pointless as I'm about to graduate. My mom let me have my dads truck to drive to school everyday since the bus route doesn't go to our apartment. The truck is blue 1980 ford f250 4x4 pickup. She couldn't bare to part with it when we moved so I got it. I drive to and from school everyday while she drives the bus routes. I'm glad I got the truck. It makes me feel closer to my father. I didn't get much of his things after his death. Most of the stuff was packed away by my mother. Seeing his stuff around was too painful for her but she couldn't bare to get rid of his things at the same time. But I got the more important and meaningful things. I got the truck, his necklace, and his weapons. My mom wasn't gonna give me the weapons but I begged her for them. They were his most prized possessions. His bow and sword were his favorite. My favorite memories of him were with these. Hunting and sparring were our favorite things to do together. You might think it's weird to spar. But back then if there was a sport in my school that I could shoot a bow and fight with a sword I'd drop cheer and be in that in a second. Even tho I don't use them now I have them stored in my closet where I can see them and remember the happy times.

Coming out of my thoughts as the sun rose, I don't hear the mystical melody anymore. The only sounds are the occasional vehicles driving or starting up. I crawl back into my room from off the ledge and get ready for school. I'm starting to feel the effects of almost no sleep these past 3 months. I fall asleep around 9 when my mother goes to bed and then get woken up around midnight by the sounds. They are so loud I don't get how other people don't hear them. It's confusing to me. Maybe I am going mad.

Once out of the shower I get dressed, brush my teeth, and do my hair. Once I feel presentable enough I grab my keys and phone off of the vanity and head out the door. I drove the long way to school knowing I'm going to be early. I rather avoid as much people as possible because I don't want to be social. I'd rather just sit in the corner and be by myself. I don't even want my friends to bother me. All anyone does now is look at me in pity. My friends don't even believe me about the sounds at night. They think I'm losing it. They are worried that my depressions getting worse and want to be by my side 24/7. It's been suffocating. I don't like the looks of pity that I get. I don't even want to be at school, but I know I have to go. If I don't my mom would get sent to jail for my absence. That thought alone is the only reason I still go and keep god grades. My days at class consist of jotting down notes and avoiding people through the hallways. The only people that I can't seem to avoid are the people who themselves my friends. Hopefully today I can get lucky enough to avoid them. I don't want to hear about how I need to socialize, that I need to get out more and be a teen. I want to stay home. I want to be by myself. It's the one place I can cry without getting looks of pity and people asking what wrong. Hopefully today will be a peaceful day without trouble.

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