Ch. 11

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" What are you doing?!" Barron shouts in question looking at the commander in rage and confusion.

" I have gone through too much trouble to hand over everything i've worked towards to a little girl!" The commander says in fury.

" Guards!" The Commander shouts again with an evil glint in his eyes.

" Stop this! She has the right to the thrown. You can't just toss her to the side and get rid of her. She's one of us!" Barron shouts at the commander, trying to reason. Men come running in with swords at the ready.

" About time y'all showed up! She tried attacking me! Take her to the cells!" The commander barks out. The guards following his his hand, looking at my form standing in shock with my sword held in my hand. They start walking towards me, seeing me as a threat as I try backing away from them. I re- sheath my sword in hopes to show them that I mean no harm. I hold my hands up, willing them to not come closer, but they start to move faster towards me.

" Guys she didn't do anything! He's lying!" Barron shouts in distress. The guards ignore him, advancing towards me. Seeing an opening to the side of them, I make a run for it. I pass by the guard on the right, before he can grab me. My fast agility and mad dodging skills got me past all the guards and out the door.

Past the threshold I frantically look around for Thyr. Glancing around I spot his form standing close to the castles entrance.

" Thyr!" I yell, running towards him in a mad dash.

" What's wrong!" He asks in worry, noticing my frantic state.

" The commander is trying to lock me up! He's saying that I tried attacking him because I showed him my sword. Something about, he's worked to hard for everything to hand it all over to a little girl." I said frantically. Seeing the guards run out the building my body went into a fight or flight mode. I was leaning towards flight in this situation. We had a chance to flee before they spot us.

" We need to go!" I said, trying to get Thyr to move but he stays still. The guards were looking around in every direction.

" Please, we need to go!" I said frantically, pushing his body to move. He didn't budge an inch. His body was like a brick wall.  One of the guards makes direct eye contact with me the moment I look back towards the building. He alerts the other guards as the run over towards us. Thyr takes a step forward towards them as the guards closed in on us.

" No, stop! They could hurt you!" I shout in worry, trying to pull him back to no avail. The guards are so close now that all hope depletes from my system.

The guard reaches his hand out towards me, aiming to retrieve me for my awaited prison. Watching as his hold slowly advances in contact, I felt my world crumble. I believed Thyr would protect me. I didn't want to fight these people. I see the gold in them. But I felt betrayal course through me. Thyr takes a step forward blocking the man advances and stands in front of me. He let's out a loud warning call that rattles the earth.

" DO NOT TOUCH HER!" He bellows out causing the guards to stop. All the betrayal and hurt that was making its advances on me were completely washed away. He stopped them and stood up for me.

" Pull out your sword." Thyr says to me, slightly glancing back, but not taking his eyes off of the guards.

" I don't want to fight them. They are good people." I said.

" You won't have to, just pull out your sword." He assures me. Trusting him, I do as he says, unsheathing my sword from the scabbard.

" This is the sole daughter to Prince Oriel. She is the heir to the throne by birthright. Your commander lied to you, saying that she attacked him. She did not. He wants the thrown to himself so he lied to try and get her locked up." He says as the guards look at the sword. For a moment they just stared, analyzing it. Then, after what seemed like forever, but was only seconds they took a knee, bowing.

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