Oliver stared after her as she walked with her head down back to the locker rooms, his eyes holding nothing but sympathy for the girl as the rest of the class laughed around them.


Back in the locker room after gym class was over, Oliver listened to Coach Finstock publicly announce the disappearance of Isaac before going on a rant about how Greenburg should never ever call him for literally any reason whatsoever.

He was tired, and rightfully so. The full moon had surely taken a toll on him, and he guessed it would take a day or two before he felt back on top. He could only hope the drama in their hometown would wait until it stirred up more problems for him and his friends.

"What do you mean, tonight's not a good idea?" Stiles asked Scott, seeming almost offended by the proposition of them not going to the skating rink that night due to obvious reasons.

Scott shrugged as he opened his locker. " I don't know... That thing we saw last night, Isaac missing, Allison's grandfather, all this stuff happening with Derek... I just- doesn't feel right." he tried to put his feelings on the matter into words but got immediately shut down by Stiles who began a speech.

"No, you're not backing out! Do you wanna know why? Because you and Allison are obviously having quite a good time together. And you know who else wants to have a good time? Stiles! Stiles wants to have a good time! Many, many times! Several times in a row! In several different positions!"

Oliver visibly cringed at his words, his body recoiling back almost as though he'd been slapped in the face. But his eyebrows drew together when his fingers began twitching at his sides and all sound around him except for a familiar gasping drowned out.

He took off from the locker rooms and ran back into the gym, his eyes widening as he spotted Erica halfway up the wall without a safety harness on. Her body twitched, alerting him to the fact that she was mid-seizure.

Just as her body began plummeting to the ground, Oliver reached the wall and caught her in his arms. A breath of relief surpassed his lips as he lowered her to the ground, hearing Allison yell for him to put her on her side as she approached along with a hoard of people.

Oliver didn't care that Erica was gripping his hand to the point where he was certain it would break. All he cared about was that she was once more safe. He shielded her from the cruel eyes of their classmates as Allison sat down by him.

"How did you know?" she murmured just loud enough for him to hear.

Oliver shrugged, sharing a look with Scott that told him the same thing happened to him too.

"I felt it."


The cafeteria was filled with cheerful chattering as Oliver sat by one of the less crowded tables along with Scott, the two of them watching in utter amusement as Stiles tried, and failed, to negotiate a lower prize for the keys to the ice rink.

Oliver had only interacted with Boyd a handful of times before but had learned how stubborn the boy was and was therefore not surprised when Stiles sulked back to the table with fifty dollars less in his wallet instead of twenty as he had hoped.

He sat down in the chair opposite from Oliver as he stuffed the newly acquired keys into his pocket. "Got 'em." he looked to Scott. Pick you up right after work tonight, and we'll all meet at the rink. Oliver, you and Gabriela could get there yourselves, right?"

But his words were promptly ignored by his friends who stared with wide eyes toward the entrance of the cafeteria. Stiles' jaw dropped open when he followed their line of sight and spotted Erica strolling into the room now clad in a short black skirt, a leather jacket similar to the one Oliver was wearing, and a white tank top. But the most bold thing was the leopard heels.

Crazy about you - Lydia MartinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin