He Was Gone

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Pipers POV

The audition went surprisingly well..... in my opinion. They said they would call me if I had gotten the part.

Now Im just on my way back to the hotel. I drive up, and park. When I get out, Im almost mobbed by people. People with cameras. Shit.

"Are you and Shawn a thing?" I heard one yell.

"WHATS GOING ON WITH SHAWN?" I heard another scream.

I tried to push my way through, and after a few minuets, I finally made it through the crowd. I ran up to the room, and couldn't find Justice. Maybe he was with some friends?

Pull my phone out to check twitter, but was surprised to find that many of my fans were tweeting me a link to some article. I clicked on it, and the title made me drop my phone.

'Shawn Mendes and His Secret Girlfriend?' read the article.

I instantly called Shawn.

"Shawn, its Piper. Have you heard the rumors? Im your secret girlfriend!" I laughed.

"Yeah. The paparazzi is terrible. When I did that interview, it was a joke. Of course I like you, but in a friendship kind of way."

"Maybe we should go on a secret date in a secret restaurant too!" I added, but jumped when I heard someone cough to my left.


"I gotta go, I- Ill call back later." I said to Shawn before hanging up.

"Secret dates? Are you fucking kidding me Piper!?" Justice yelled. I didn't realize that he knew.

"Justice. Let me explain. You cant just jump to conclusi-"

"Im not jumping to anything. I didn't want to believe it at first, I really didn't! But with all of this evidence, I just... I don't know anymore! I loved you!" He yelled, running his hands through his hair as he turned to face the door. He reached for the handle, and opened it.

"Wait," I said, grabbing his arm lightly, but he shook it off.

And with that..... he was gone.

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