Ch 8. Summoning the Beast

Start from the beginning

With the three currently most powerful entities in the world in one room the silence is almost like a pen drop could be heard from a distance.
"So what is the real reason?" Said Guy glances at Erogon.
Erogon sighed. "The reason is she can be quite temperamental when people disrespect her, and with her magiculs she can create an army of mindless creatures in a matter of minutes."
"Mindless monsters aren't that strong." Said Velzard, "even an army of them."
"I knew you would say that," said Erogon, "each of them has the power level of lesser dragon and in one minutes you're talking about fifty thousand of them and that's just a minute think about if she took her time and waited to strike."
"I see the problem." Said Guy, "how long does she usually wait?"
"Depends," said Erogon, "let's go for an example of twenty years, I would estimate about thirty trillion forces and about a third can easily fly, and there all at lesser dragon in power."
"Is that a skill or an innate ability of hers?" Said Velzard.
"An innate ability," said Erogon, "her title was a god of life and the primordial mother so when she became a Beast of Humanity those those titles became the skill known as the Sea of Life and that is the skill that creates the creatures and can corrupt anyone and anything that touches it."
"Corrupts?" Said Guy as it peaked his interest.
"If someone touches the sea of life skill and the mud it produces they blacken body and soul to only follow the orders of the one who made the mud or is using that skill. It doesn't matter of previous friends and allies." Said Erogon and both Guy and Velzard realize the true power of that skill.
"That is a truly terrifying skill." Said Velzard as Erogon continued.
"Then there's the other part," said Erogon, "if that person is not destroyed completely both body and soul they will constantly regenerate within seconds. In my old world what we had to do is destroy the body till not even a hair remained."
As Erogon's words fully sinked in Guy asked one question, "how can she be killed, by that her tolerances?"
Erogon stayed silent for a few minutes. "What I am about to say must be taken literally." As they both nodded. "From her time as the title primordial mother she had a skill that turn into a tolerance where she can take damage but can't die, unless all life on the planet is dead."
"That is insanity." Said Guy, "so how was she defeated before?"
"She allowed it to happen." Said Erogon.
"Now for the last question before midnight comes," said Velzard, "what are Beasts of Humanity?"
"Well that's an easy question," said Erogon, "Beasts of Humanity are a concept created by the planet, in my old world the planet itself had an ego to protect itself, and yea this world does to," as he answered the question before they spoke up. "It's still in its infancy but that is getting off topic, the beasts are people or in this case a god that love and hate humanity, due to this contradiction they lose sight of their love and it turns into an insatiable desire to change the world. There are about seven in total, each representing a different sin of humanity as a whole."
"So they're not like the humans seven sins," said Guy, "like greed, pride, envy, and sloth."
"Some are similar but not all," said Erogon, "the first I forget his motive but I felt like I don't like it and destroyed him. The third was split into two parts but they are both forms of lust, the fourth was the concept of comparison."
"Wait," said Velzard, "does this mean that our world has them too, these beasts?"
"Not exactly," said Erogon, "they're far too young to be a threat, if they even awaken at all."
"Explain?" Said Velzard.
"The angels and Veldanava orders to keep humans from advancing to far. Humans advancement is the beasts nourishment. Without there progression the beasts wouldn't grow into a threat big enough to amount to anything, and the beasts I can release stay at there current power level and can't grow due to my world's destruction they lost their ability to gain nutrients." Explained Erogon.
"I noticed that you left the second beast out, is that Tiamat?" Said Guy.
"Yes," said Erogon, "she is the second beast of humanity, the beast of regression."
"Regression." Whispered Guy thinking what it could mean as Erogon got up as Elena and Rain came back to the room.
"The circle is ready." Said Rain and Elena nodded.

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